CSS info: Biljettkaos inför Man.Utd matchen.

Då var det dags igen, Chelsea har plötsligt infört en ny policy inför matchen mot Man.Utd, som också är CSS medlemsresa. 81 biljettansökningar från Sverige finns på plats hos Diane och George i London, och nu kommer dråpslaget. Alla kommer ej att få biljett. Vilka av våra engelska medlemmar som kommer att få biljett bestämms nu helt och hållet av nyss nämda personer.

Detta är innehållet i det senaste mejlet från klubben.

Dear All

I am writing to you regarding the Manchester United fixture on 29th April 2006- kick off 12.30. As I am sure you are aware with it being against United and it being the final game of the season, demand for tickets has been extremely high. For you to have some kind of idea about the level of demand, it is more than double our allocation. As such we thought it best to advise all the clubs that unfortunately some of your members will not be able to get a ticket for the game through the Supporters Club.

Diane and I will be as fair as we possibly can with the allocating of tickets taking a number of factors into account, such as games attended and distance to travel. Members who have purchased the majority of their tickets through the Supporters Club service will have preference over those members who have purchased the majority of their tickets through the internet. A lot of requests have come from members who have not been affiliated to a Club before and are using them in order to get a ticket. Again preference will be given to long standing members.

For those of you who have not yet submitted a request, can we ask you to do so as soon as possible so we can complete the allocation process as above. The deadline is Tuesday by 12 noon, so use this weekend to get a firm yes or no from your members. You can send Diane or I your request by email to save time and then send payment by post if that speeds things up, but please ensure that we have your payment by Thursday.

If you have already submitted an application, no names can now be added and your application is closed for your club.

We will be in contact with you on Wednesday/Thursday to detail how many your club have been allocated and which of your members have been able to get a ticket. As mentioned previously our decision is final.

This will then allow the remaining members of your club to try to purchase tickets via the internet or call centre from Monday 3rd April. If anyone has an issue with their online membership please contact me by Friday 31st and I will try my best to answer your query.

If you have any questions please contact Diane or myself. We hope that you have a great weekend.

Kind Regards

George McCullough

Chelsea FC Supporters Club

Vi får hoppas på det bästa, men det ser dessvärre dystert ut. Strular de till det riktigt ordentligt, då ser jag ingen anledning att fortsätta driva en Supporterklubb längre. Har fått nog av klubbens sätt att behandla sina trogna fans. Kontakta mig via mejl (fluffo55@hotmail.com) senast fredag 31/3 om ni vill ha svar på om ni finns med på listan över personer som ej får biljett. Ni får då själva boka över internat från och med 3 april, då dessa släpps till försäljning. Har ställt frågan till Diane om hon kan hjälpa samtliga berörda med biljetter, istället för att alla ska försöka komma fram på nätet, vilket jag kan garantera är i det närmaste omöjligt. Väntar på svar.

Harri Hemmi2006-03-24 17:28:00

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