O'Leary avsäger sig ansvar för revolten

David O'Leary har nu uttalat sig angående spelarrevolten i Aston Villa mot ägaren Doug Ellis. Han säger att han inte har något med skrivelsen att göra, detta efter att vissa tidningar påstått att han gjort det hela för att få sparken. (?!?!)

Han avslöjar dock att spelarna inte är nöjda och att kostnadsbesparingarna är på gränsen till löjliga.

Ingen massör?!?! Vad är det för sabla klubb jag håller på? (Red kommentar)

"I was shocked when I read what was said to be a statement from the players,"

"I knew nothing about it and there was no sign of anything like this going on at the training ground. There were no huddles, anything like that.

"It has shocked me, big time. I have not heard from the chairman with his thoughts on this, he hasn't rung me."

"Players have grumbled and asked why there are so many cutbacks. They question it and they see it as petty.

"They are talking about clubbing together to bring in a masseur, but in general I have always detected the spirit as being good.

"That was certainly what I felt on Friday because I thought we'd had a good day of training. Now we've had a weekend off and we'll go back on Monday and try to sort this out between us.

"I don't think any of this will change my relationship with the chairman. Why should it?"

Mikael "Tegis" Tegbrink2006-07-17 12:44:00

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