Chelsea svarar Bates
Ken Bates har fått vad han ville ha - publicitet.

Chelsea svarar Bates

Chelsea svarar nu Ken Bates. På torsdagen anmäldes Bates och hans nya klubb Leeds United för den förre Chelseaordförandens personliga ordkrig.

Anmälan har skickats till det engelska fortbollsförbundet, FA, berör inte direkt den anmälan Bates skickat in med påståenden om att Chelsea olovligt värvat två spelare från Leeds och varit i kontakt med en tredje (se separat artikel). I stället berör den endast Bates språkbruk. 

Särskilt vänder sig Chelsea mot att Bates kallar Chelseas ledning "shysters from Siberia", vilket kan översättas som "svindlarna från Sibirien". Men uttrycket "shysters" har också annan konnotation och kan tolkas som en nedsättande beskrivning på en jude. Chelseas ägare Roman Abramovitj är rysk jude.

Chelseas officiella uttalande lyder oöversatt och i sin helhet på följande vis:

"Chelsea FC today (August 17) filed a complaint with the Football Association against Ken Bates and Leeds United for bringing the game into disrepute. 

This follows recent comments by Mr Bates arising out of the dispute between Chelsea and Leeds over Michael Woods, Tom Taiwo and Danny Rose. 

There are football procedures in place to deal with that specific dispute. Chelsea will comply with those, will not discuss the case publicly other than our previously stated position and will contest it vigorously.
However there are also existing football rules (E3 and E4) that prohibit rude, insulting and inappropriate comments being made about other club owners, chairmen and personnel.
In particular we are concerned by the implications of Mr Bates’ reference to the Chelsea directors as “a bunch of shysters from Siberia” and the discriminatory nature of this in terms of race, nationality and religion (rule E4). Such comments have no place in football, a sport which is rightly committed to fighting racial intolerance and bigotry. 

Chelsea believes these comments are part of a personal campaign being waged by Mr Bates against our club and his actions cannot be allowed to masquerade erroneously as being in the interests of football as he claims.
Rule E3 states:
“A Participant shall at all times act in the best interests of the game and shall not act in any manner which is improper or brings the game into disrepute or use any one, or a combination of, violent conduct, serious foul play, threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting words or behaviour.” 

Rule E4 states:
“A Participant shall not carry out any act which is discriminatory by reason of ethnic origin, colour, race, nationality, religion, sex, sexual orientation or disability.” 

Socrates2006-08-17 18:23:00

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