Kommentarer efter matchen

Wenger och Warnock

Efter första hemmasegern på nya arenan så var det muntra miner i norra London. Inte för att Spurs hade fått stryk, det händer jämt, utan för att 3-0 mot The Blades kändes i hela kroppen och ända in i märgen. 

Arsène Wenger var mycket nöjd med lagets insats och hyllade även Sheffield United, som han tyckte var modiga och verkligen bjöd upp till kamp. Man hade kunnat ana att de liksom lamm, skulle springa r unt och gömma sig, men de gick ut gav allt och bjöd upp till en rolig match." They defended well and didn't hide when they had the chance to come out. We needed to make sure we didn't become too nervous and to continue to do things properly.I felt that all we need to do was keep calm and patient." 

Vidare hyllade han förste målskytten för dagen William Gallas, som fick kröna sin goda insats med ett mål. "Yes he looks to have a sense and that's what the real winners are about because he scored at 0-0, a crucial goal.For a defender the way he scored the goal is great and I'm very pleased for him." 

..och tycker att laget har tagit ett kliv framåt .

"I feel so [that the team have taken a step forward], the team has found more belief and that we have a great quality, you can see that.It's now down to consistency and consistency is linked with hunger and I feel we are hungry but we have to show that every week."

Han ser också framåt mot tisdagens match som kommer att bli svår .
"If you look at the English teams who have beaten Porto or Benfica you do not find many. So we have a big challenge and do what nobody has done recently in England - beat them. What I expect from Porto is very good technical level in the middle of the park. They keep the ball well. I don't know what to expect because they play with two strikers, with three or one. But I know we want to win this game, because if do that after [the win at] Hamburg, we are in a very, very strong position to qualify."

Neil Warnock, som gjorde sin 1000e match som manager fick en bra present av sina Blades. De gav allt.
"The players gave me everything and I could not have asked for more.Whether or not it is your 1,000th game, all a manager can ask for is that. In the end, the difference was their quality. Henry said to me when we were coming off, 'it was a very hard game and your boys have done very well' - and I think that was true."

3-0 till Gunners. Sju poäng på de tre senaste. tre raka segrarom man räknar med HSV. Gunners är på gång.


Magnus Falk2006-09-24 22:35:00

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