Kommentarer efter matchen
Wenger medger att loppet är kört och Allardyce hyllar Anelka
Reebok stadium ligger arg och kall. 1-3 mot Bolton var ett slagbelle-skott på pungen. Vi träffar allt men inte mål och Bolton gör sina patenterade mål. Anelka har aldrig gjort mål förut och gör naturlugtvis två. Var inte det sista offside för övrigt och hur fick man tag i kommentatorn? När kröp han fram?
Vi sammanfattar lite spridda skurar från helgens drabbning och noterar att Wenger har givit upp. 12 poäng efter ManU är för mycket konstaterar han. "It was sad to lose because we showed great quality and spirit, but that has been the way of it for the team this season. We lack experience in the decisive moments in the game because we are a young team. We are too far behind the leaders but if you look at the number of points we've dropped and the way we played it is difficult to take. There is a lot of quality in the squad and I feel we can play with the top teams, but we cannot tranfer that into points."
Vidare menade han liksom undertecknad att han ansåg tredje målet var offside "I am sad for my team because they gave a lot and played well. "But overall we did not control well the decisive moments in the game, particularly on the first goal. You cannot come to Bolton and give them freedom of movement on corners, although I thought their third goal was offside. After that it was difficult. We were running after the score"
Big Sam Allarcyce tyckte att man hade lite tur, men hyllar samtidigt Anelkas första mål;" We had a little bit of fortune and the woodwork was in our favour. But we scored some wonderful goals, particularly Nicolas's first. I was starting to get a bit worried about him but when he unleashed that wonderful strike I knew it would kick him on. That proved to be the case when he got the second and hopefully he will do the same against Chelsea in midweek."
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