Kommentarer efter matchen

Kommentarer dagen efter mörkrets intåg

Förlust mot Bolton och nu mot Fulham. Bortaplan är inget vidare helt enkelt och Wenger är inte nöjd med situationen. 1-2 mot Fulham var ett riktigt bottennapp och vi viker upp mittuppslagen i varje tidning(page 3 eller?) och läser vad Wenger och Coleman har att säga om matchen;

Wenger vill inte beröra titeldiskussionen utan; "I will leave the mathematics of the title to you.We will now go away and focus on the next game. We never expected defeat. It was played at a high pace but we gave it everything and created chances. So I'm not disappointed with the way we played. It was our third away defeat in a row, and as against West Ham and Bolton we could have had the points. At the moment it doesn't go for us." 

Diskussionen om Thierry Henrys offsidemål fortsatte också och som vanligt är Wenger inte ense med domarnas beslut.;"It was decisive, and I must say the coincidences of the decisions against us at the moment are very peculiar. We can put it together with the penalty at West Ham. But we have to play with it. We cannot influence the referee." 

Vår franske filantrop var även lite syrak på matchschemat. Att spela onsdag och sedan lördag och därefter åka til l Portugal, när Chelsea inte spelar i helgen. han var helt enkelt lite sur på allting, Wenger. Med rätta."This fixture was a farce. We play too many games at the moment.What is important is that teams like Chelsea, who have already qualified in the Champions League, will not be playing at the weekend.You won’t get that anywhere else. No chance.” Vad var det räven sa om rönnbären?

Fulhams manager Chris Coleman tycker att hans lag var väl värda vinsten ; "I thought we deserved it from start to finish. It's not often I come away from playing Arsenal enjoying it, but I did. It was better than Manchester United away, better than the Chelsea performance last season when we beat them - it was the best performance since I've been in charge, for all kinds of reasons. " Så tråkigt att han måste göra denna mot just Arsenal. varför inte mot Wycombe i cupen eller också säger han bara så för att göra oss tragiska kanonjärer lite bättre till mods. Är han jultomte och är snäll mot sina barn, Coleman?

Sedan håller Coleman  lite extra om Boa Morte."We've lost players over the seasons but he has stayed with us. He's worked hard for us. He's put his neck on the line even when it's not going for him, and he deserved tonight. I was a captain myself but I was quite vocal, it didn't matter if I upset people.Boa's not like that but it doesn't mean he's not a good captain. When he's on form like that he doesn't need to say anything because other will follow him.He leads with his play and has been one of our better players for the last five or six years and when one or two of the big hitters have moved on he has stayed. We must not forget that.He's had chances to move on, we've had big offers for him but Boa has always stayed. He's shown us a lot of respect

Vi rundar av med lite spelarbetyg.
'* The Sun

Ha en fortsatt glåmig sista November. Karl XII hade det mindre kul 1718 just denna dag, men det är en annan historia.

Magnus Falk2006-11-30 09:00:00

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