Kommentarer efter matchen
Wenger och Jewell of the Nile efter matchen.
Sigmund Freund hade behövt gå extrautbildning för att tyda mina drömmar. "Men, Herr Falk, wovon haben sie geträumt?" "Äähh.jo..lite svårt..men..ääh, jag drömde att Gunners spelade riktigt tråkig fotboll, men grisade till sig en seger i slutminuten.."
Freud lade pannan i djupa veck, tänkte men gav mig en remiss till hjärnskrynklaren, ty detta var omöjligt. Två icke kommunicerande kärl. Gunners och grisfotboll. Nej. Freud satte sig på skolbänken och min årliga lobotomi flyttades fram.
Tyvärr var matchen ett riktigt sömnpiller och det man man kommer ihåg från matchen är ett par smörpassnjingar från Cesc, van Persies tunnel på Kilbane, Eboués indianer och kommentatorernas diskussion om den lokal pajtävlingen. Alltid något.
Det pratades dock en del om matchen efteråt och vi ser vad herrar Wenger och Jewell pratar om.
Vår franske flanör meddelade att han inser att det var en frustrerande kamp att se på och kanske mest för Wigansom gav allt. Wigan lär sig konstant och de är svåra att möta, men mest stolt var han översina egna trupper, som nu verkar lära sig av sina misstag de gjorde mot ManCity och West Ham.
"It was a frustrating night until late on. I can understand if Wigan are frustrated as well because they gave it absolutely everything, they created chances, and always looked dangerous.But the spirit is right. This is the kind of game a year ago we would have lost 1-0, but instead we won it 1-0.
"Even this season we lost 1-0 at Manchester City, a game we should have won three times more than we did here. This was a much more difficult game.At West Ham they had one shot on goal, yet again we lost 1-0. I think we have learned not to make mistakes.We also know how to deal a little better with the kind of game Wigan gave us, which is very physical.
Overall, I feel the team has learned quickly and is improving every week.They show great spirit, great resilience, fight very hard, and that is why we maybe got the result.We have played better combining football than we did in this game, but I like it when my team can win a game like that.I've tried to instil that into the players. It's what we have been missing."
Vidare menar Wenger att han är nöjd med att laget är tryggt och visar upp en jämnhet man tidigare inte sett" I'm happy because we were sixth before the game but we want to go high up and therefore we have got to keep our results very good.We have been now consistent and we want to continue to do that."
Passningsspelet var svårt att bygga upp, då Wigan störde hela tiden, så att komam tillbaka med tre pinnar är mycket bra, menade professor Arsène.
"It was a difficult game; Wednesday night, windy, we play a lot of games and Wigan was up for it. I can understand the game could have gone for them but it went for us. We created chances in the second half, they had one or two as well, as we needed to be really strong tonight to come back with the three points. We looked to have problems to put the passes together to build up the game, and maybe it is that [Wigan's] commitment and pressure on the ball was very good and we didn't create a lot in the first half. In the second half we became much better but sometimes when you play every three days you have a little bit problems to get into the game and it gets better and better [as the game progresses]."
Sedan avslutar han med att kommentera Cescs vinnande av bollen innan målet. Camara föll som en fura och katalanen klev upp med bollen och smörade iväg bollen till Adebayor, men Wenger menade att Cesc tog bollen. "No, because Cole on Hleb was a real foul, he didn't get the ball Ashley Cole, and from the outside it looked like Cesc got the ball. I asked him after the game and he said he didn't even touch the player, he got the ball."
För att avsluta Gunnerssvepet, lyfter vi in Kolo Touré i leken och denne ansåg att det var tufft och svårt, men att Adebayor gör ett fantastiskt mål. "It was really difficult for us.Wigan are a really good team, really strong and make the job really hard.Adebayor scored a fantastic goal, I am really happy, we needed it.I think they played very well and we are lucky they didn't score but we had some chances. We were lucky at the end we made the difference."
Paul Jewell tyckte att Wigan gjorde en bra match, men att man fick sota för att man tappade i koncentration.
"Again we had decent chances, but we lacked the killer instinct in front of goal.But for all our chances we never worked their goalkeeper enough, although I'm not going to lambast the team for missing them.I thought the players were terrific. I couldn't have asked any more of them in terms of ability and effort, while some of our passing and movement was very good.But we paid the ultimate price for one lapse in concentration, which shows the margins at this level are very narrow.If you don't take your chances, and you switch off for a micro-second, then you lose."
Vi lämnar dessa båda tränare, Kolo Touré och skulle det dyka upp mer kommentarer så matar vi i dem i en fantastisk maträtt kallad "Dagens Arsenal". Rock on.