Kommentarer efter matchen mot Charlton

Wenger, Henry och Pardew

Klang och jubelföreställning på Emirates Stadium. Inte ett öga var torrt, men krutet var det och fyra raska bollar ramlade in bakom en storspelande Scott Carson, som inför matchen rättmätigt hyllats av Arsène Wenger, som en av de stora engelska framtida målvakterna. Wengers manskap rullade boll bitvis som på fornstora dagar och minsann såg man inte glimtar av det man senaste såg mot CSKA Moskva. Rörelse, lekfullhet och finess och så var ju Thierry Henry tillbaka.

Efter matchen fanns det en hel del intressanta kommentarer och vi förevigar en del nedan.

Vår triumferande tränare menade att han lyfte av Gilberto Silva för att han inte ville riskera honom inför matchen mot Liverpool, men att denne är fullt OK.  Vidare så tyckte han att det var kul att se Henry åter i laget. "I think they were happy to have him at the start of the game, but I think overall the team has done very well in the last five, six weeks, you know? I am convinced you will see a great Thierry Henry from now until May".

Wenger kommenterade ytterligare att Henry nog är 100% fit, men inte 100% i matchform ännu. Han var nära att få spela mot Sheffield United, men då hade han spelare tillräckligt, men så dök det upp ytterligare någon skada och Henry fick spela mot  Charlton. Han saknar kanske lite skärpa och liksom många andra VM-spelare så har han dragits med skador. "Of course Thierry is back and it's good because he is quite sharp for someone who has not played for over one month. I feel since one month [ago] this team has taken off, we had a blip at Sheffield United, but overall since five weeks [ago] the team is consistent with results and the way we played. [He is] as sharp as I expected because it was maybe an ideal game for him with 11 against 10, the pace was not too high, we controlled the game and it was maybe a good way to come back. I planned it to get him back for today if it went well, maybe if all went well at the start, maybe on the bench, but we were so short that I had to start him." fortsatte Wenger med. 

Wenger menade om matchen att Arsenal kontrollerade matchen i sin helhet, men att matchen var lite lustig eftersom de så snabbt blev reducerade till tio man. Matchen spelades kontrollerat och laget pressade Charlton hela tiden och sedan menar han att Sankofas röda kort var hårt men rättvist.

Vår kapten Henry hyllar van Persie, som nu gjort tolv mål detta år(10 i ligan): "He's shown ever since he arrived here that he is a scorer of great goals.He's done it this season but also in previous years - every goal he scores is a smashing one.He has the ability to be one of the best players in the league. He has matured a lot and he does stuff in training that I have rarely seen before."

Alan Pardew
menade att Robin van Persie var offside när han blev fälld och det blev straff. jaha? Vilken match såg du? "My view at the time was van Persie was offside. The first decision should have been offside. He had an advantage on my full-back. I'm aggrieved by that. It was always going to be tough, but down to ten men we could only give an honest account of ourselves. The four goals was a bit of a shame. We'd threatened a couple of times after the break. I was happy with our honestly. I was pleased with some of the things I saw. (Scott) Carson was fantastic by the way. It could have been more if it wasn't for him. 60 minutes to play at Arsenal at full strength with 10 men was difficult."

 Tre pinnar mot Charlton. Satt som en smäck. Häpp.

Magnus Falk2007-01-03 10:40:00

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