Hollands Roy Keane till Swansea

Ferrie Bodde, som till och med beskrivits som Hollands motsvarighet till Mr. Keane, är klar för Swansea. Han har tillbringat sin karriär i ADO den Haag men då laget åkte ur högstaligan kände han att det var dags för något nytt. Aberdeen, FC Zürich och VVV-Venlo har också varit intresserade. Den 25-årige mittfältaren har skrivit på ett treårskontrakt och sägs ha kostat £50.ooo. Mer ska betalas till denna summa beroende på ligaframträdanden. Bodde har bland annat spelat med Arjen Robben i Hollands U23-landslag. Bodde erkänner att det var hans hemliga besök på Liberty Stadium i matchen mot Blackpool (förlust 6-3!!!) som fick honom att definitivt bestämma sig:

"Before then I had never seen Swansea, only heard about them. I came to watch the Blackpool game and I had goose bumps during the build up to kick-off. With nearly 20,000 there the atmosphere was fantastic; very passionate, especially when the teams ran out. The noise was unbelievable. It was a new experience for me. Out in Holland it's not often you play to a full stadium; it's more like 5,000 to 10,000. Most players in Holland would love to play in the English Leagues and I'm fortunate that my dream has come true. I really want to play well for Swansea and go on to play at a higher level with them.''

Managern Martinez kommenterar:

"A player of Ferrie's quality does not come along too often. We have monitored the player over the last three months and we have been very impressed with him. Tactically he is very aware and is a good passer of the ball, a play-maker of the highest quality. He is aggressive in the right way and overall a real winner. In fact he absolutely hates losing - and that's the type of player we want at Swansea. He has gained some great experience playing in the Dutch First Division against teams like Ajax, Feyenord and PSV. And, at 25, he is in the prime of his career and desperate to play in the Premiership, which matches this club's criteria.''

Välkommen Ferrie och lycka till!

Namn: Ferrie Bodde
Position: Mittfält
Född: 5:e maj 1982
Längd & Vikt: 179, 79
Moderklubb: ADO den Haag

Bodde angående liknelsen med Roy Keane:

"That's what they say, which is a compliment. I like his style, but I don't want to be described as Roy Keane because he was a very big player.I like to pass the ball and play football the way it was meant to be played, but I also like a battle. And I'd like to think I play for the team rather than just myself".
källa citat: Officiella sidan

Pelle Nilsson2007-06-13 12:30:00

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