CSS info: Biljettinfo och läget i påtryckningarna mot Chelsea.

Deadlines för biljettbeställning via CSS och supporterklubbarna går ihop i kampen mot klubbens nya biljettpolicy.

Deadlines vid beställning av matchbiljetter via CSS;

Hemma matcher:

Blackburn 15 september (Deadline 16/8), Fulham 29 september (30/8) och Manchester City 27 oktober (27/9).

En beställning via CSS går till på följande sätt. Sätt in pengar på CSS postgirokonto, 1138453-4. Skriv namn, adress och ert engelska medlemsnummer för 2007/08. Skriv också er e-post adress. Biljetten skickas till er per post.

Sätt in 675:- om ni vill sitta på Shed Lower och 900:- om ni vill ha biljett på West Upper. Vi har tagit lite höjd för att få med Chelseas påslag på £1.50/biljett i kreditkortsavgift samt eventuella valutakurs förändringar uppåt.

Information om deadline för samtliga hemma matcher kommer fortlöpande att uppdateras på hemsidan. Efter utgången deadline kan vi inte hjälpa er, utan då måste ni boka på egen hand via nätet.

Jag vill understryka att endast medlemmar i Chelsea Supporters Sweden som har ett medlemskap i England kan ta del av denna tjänst. Övriga hänvisar vi till vår samarbetspartner, www.herewego.se

Uppdatering 18/7.

Chelsea har förändrat Supporterklubbarnas möjligheter till köp av bortabiljetter. För CSS del innebär det att vi inte längre kan förbeställa, utan våra engelska medlemmar har chansen då dessa släpps för försäljning i England. Texten från Diane; “I am sorry but members will have to apply when ticket go on sale to
members, they have increased the member allocation to a 50-50 split
after corporate & away travel”.

Klubben har gjort denna förändring för och hjälpa lokala Supporterklubbar till en större biljett tilldelning då Chelsea spelar match i deras närområde. Det innebär exempelvis när Chelsea har bortamatch i Newcastle så får Supporterklubbarna i den regionen en högre tilldelning, vilket känns logiskt.

Detta har hänt i dialogen mellan de olika supporterklubbarna i ärendet beträffande matchbiljetter.

Dear Fellow Supporters Clubs,

Following the email from Diane Broom at Chelsea, our supporters club, Hastings and District have raised a few concerns about the new ticketing policy.

We are disappointed to say the least that supporters clubs will receive no away ticket allocations this year, this is likely to be the same for big cup games/finals. Any normal member can go online and basically have the same priority as us in purchasing tickets, many members have phoned me asking what the benefits are of being a member of an affiliated club if we have the same priority as members.

Another issue is the relocation of home tickets to the Shed Lower, this may suit some members being closer to the pitch but many have complained that the view is not as good. With the big "return of the shed" campaign it seems those of us that have tried to increase the atmosphere over the last few seasons in the Shed Upper have been forgotten and relocated.

The main point of this email is why did Chelsea not inform us of these decisions months or weeks ago rather than at the last minute when certainly all of our members have paid there subscriptions for the coming season, many of which are unhappy with the benefits they are receiving.

We as a supporters club would like to hear your opinions on the matter and depending on the view of other supporters letters are proposing to send a letter to Chelsea regarding our treatment.

Thank you for your time

David Mills
Hastings & District Club Secretary

Dear Fellow Supporters Clubs,

Firstly thank you for all of your responses, it seems as though we are not the only people that are annoyed with our treatment this season. I have had approx 20 emails from different supporters clubs in the same situation.

We, Hastings and District have a meeting on Wednesday 1st August. We are going to discuss the situation then and decide a plan of action. I will show all of our members the emails I have received from each club to prove we are not alone.

I will contact you all again after this meeting to inform you of our next move, I thank you all in advance for your support and honestly think we can make a difference if all of us supporters clubs stick together.

Many thanks

David Mills
HDCSC Secretary

Harri Hemmi2007-08-02 20:59:00

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