Gower har fina minnen av Barnet
Mark Gower trivs numera utmärkt hos svanarna men trivdes också bra hos bina.

Gower har fina minnen av Barnet

Swanseas mittfältare Mark Gower har ett förflutet i Barnet FC och har goda minnen från tiden på Underhill.

Det är på Swanseas officiella hemsida som Mark Gower öppnar upp och berättar lite om tiden i Barnet. Han anslöt till the Bees i januari 2001 efter att George Graham inte velat behålla 22-åringen i Tottenham. Så här säger han till siten:

"When I signed for Barnet there was just three months of the season left. They had a battle on their hands to avoid relegation, but I felt they would stay up."

"It didn't turn out that way though and we were relegated at the end of the season."

Om tiden i Conference säger han så här:

"It toughened me up and seeing the other side encouraged me to dig deep and get back to where it all started."

Gower avslutar:

"In fairness to Barnet they were very good to me, even paying a transfer fee for me (£32,500). I certainly haven't got any complaints about my time there because Barnet got me back on track."

"I'm glad they eventually got back into the Football League and I still look out for their results every week."

Återstår att se vad han säger efter kvällens match!

Jimmy Johanssonbarnetsverige@hotmail.com2010-08-10 15:00:00

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