Ballack-rykten avvisade - igen

Ballack-rykten avvisade - igen

Efter en ny runda av pressrykten passar Chelsea på nytt på att förklara situationen med Michael Ballack: han är skadad och han är inte på väg bort.

I tidningarnas dagliga jakt på negativa nyheter om Chelsea har fokus de senaste veckorna legat på Michael Ballack. Den tyske landslagsmittfältaren har på nytt placerats I andra klubbar och orsakerna till hans frånvaro i Champions League-truppen har ånyo ifrågasatts. Vatten på sin kvarn har medierna också fått av uttalanden från den tyska landslagsledningen om Ballacks skada och situation.

Senast i augusti dementerade Chelsea rykten om Ballack, nu gör vd Peter Kenyon det igen i ett officiellt uttalande på Chelseas hemsida:

'Throughout the week there's been several huge misinterpretations going on with regards to Michael Ballack. His situation is very clear, in that he's injured.

'He's been injured close now to five months and he's still injured. Our only concern as Chelsea Football Club in its entirety is getting Michael back fit to start playing initially for Chelsea Football Club and then for the German national team. That's our objectives.

'It was unclear and is still unclear when he will be available to return to play football, and we as a football club, which is medical team and football club in general took a decision with regards to his inclusion in the Champions League squad, and it was all medically based.

'Since the start of Michael Ballack's injury there has been close cooperation and dialogue, which we've got two hundred per cent faith in, and a whole array of specialists from around the world in order to get him back fit and playing football. There is no misinterpretation, there is no different diagnosis, and there is again 100 per cent agreement on his rehab situation and Michael is fully aware.

'The decision to leave Michael out of the squad is based purely medically, so any suggestion that it is surrounding a transfer in January is equal rubbish, and I think that is something that isn't helpful to the player, not helpful to the club and we should just concentrate on the facts of the case.

'Any issues there may have been this week, with sponsors or commercial partners is absolute rubbish. I have spoken to all parties concerned and as of today we all know where we're going, we all know what the objectives are and we'd like to draw a line under this situation once and for all.'

Socrates2007-09-14 17:31:00

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