Öppet brev från Farfar

Under de senaste veckorna har jag rapporterat en hel del angående vad som sker bakom kulisserna på Hillsborough. Särskild uppmärksamhet har jag gett fallet "Farfar". Farfar, eller Nigel som han egentligen heter, har idag skrivet ett öppet brev till användarna på Owlstalk. Eftersom även en hel del personer på Svenskafans blivit intresserade av historien väljer jag att publicera brevet i sin helhet i den här artikeln.

"Can you do me a favour and let all the Owlstalkers know how much I’ve appreciated reading their Good Luck messages over the past few weeks.

It’s difficult to express how much that’s meant in words. It’s a real comfort to see just how many people are thinking about me, and my family. This case has been a real burden for around 18 months now and if I’m honest I’m pleased that we now appear to be entering the ‘end-game’. Its had a severe toll on my family life, my parents who are both Wednesday-mad (and still attending games) aren’t sleeping at the moment they are so worried – they are in their 70’s and I’ve been so close to giving up many times since I received the claim form from the clubs solicitors just to protect them if I’m honest.

My kids too have suffered – not as much as I haven’t given them too much info (they think I’m at the Dentist tomorrow for some major surgery on my teeth – that’s how I explained away all the people saying Good Luck in the Lounge last Saturday!!). They have suffered as I have stopped attending the games (bar the very odd occasion) since the initial threat. I’ve of course been getting to the away games, and they have enjoyed that. It’s been particularly difficult to miss Hillsborough – I love the place – but it really hasn’t had the same appeal since all this began. I feel sick in my stomach just sitting in the ground these days.

I can’t discuss the case for legal reasons – but you might want to point out to the Owlstalkers that tomorrow is really the first step in what could become a long drawn out proceedings. Tomorrow is really just to cover off legal arguments – not really specific stuff – so there will be no verdicts given (I don’t think). It is important though – and I will obviously keep you informed as to the outcome.

I’m not going to write an essay – especially after last time!!

Can I just make a comment regarding the people who are staying away from the ground. Personally, I can fully understand why people who are currently the recipients of legal action are doing so – that’s their choice. But can I say something to the others? Please – don’t stay away. Go to Hillsborough. Spend money. Our football club is bigger than this – the legal stuff, the Board, the individual fans. Our club HAS to survive – and to survive it needs everybody pulling together in the same direction. I’ve hated reading Owlstalk over the last few weeks and seeing the division that’s happening amongst our fanbase – not just over stayaway fans but over Wednesdayite too. The reason I love Wednesday is nothing to do with the football team, the stadium or the Board of Directors. Its because of the fans. The fans who I sat with on a freezing cold train coming home from Portsmouth after standing in the rain for 3 hours. The fans who made such an amazing noise in the Semi Final against Brighton at Highbury. The fans who created such an amazing atmosphere at Hillsborough v Kaiserslautern. The ones who celebrated with me at Wembley when we stuffed United. The ones who over the years have made watching Wednesday an absolute joy – whatever the result. And especially the away games.

I love Sheffield Wednesday – and I love counting myself amongst you fans. Even the ones who think that what’s happening at the moment is justified. Because you’re passionate about the club. That’s what keeps us together – lets not let whats happening at the moment pull us apart. Because without us – all of us – what are we?

I’m not sure if you can get chance to say this before tonights game – but can you urge all the supporters from me – if they have time to get to Hillsborough tonight to get down there and do it. Shout extra loud – because they will be shouting for me as well. And hopefully – I will be back with them very, very soon.


Thanks Neil – and good luck next week. As I’ve already said – if you want me with you I’m there every step of the way.


Själv hade jag uppriktigt sagt svårt att hålla tårarna tillbaka när jag läste Nigels brev. Jag har träffat Nigel själv vid en rad tillfällen och kan verifiera att allt han säger är sant och kommer från hjärtat.

Det verkar alltså, tyvärr, som att morgondagens domstolsförhandlingar endast är av förberedande karaktär och att de därmed sannolikt inte innebär slutet på den här skandalen. Vi har mer att vänta, mycket mer.

Själv kommer jag att stödja Nigel hela vägen!

Stefan Lättman2007-09-26 22:48:00

Fler artiklar om Sheffield W

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