Kommentarer efter matchen mot Steaua Bukarest

Ett mål som blev bortdömt och om matchen mot Steaua i allmänhet

Gunners knackade ned järnridån rejält igår, då Gigi Becalis Steaua inte löngre var stjärnbeströdda utan hade bömbats sönder av Robin van Persie. kanske såg de stjärnor efteråt. Arsène Wenger tog hem klubben till London efter den andra segern i Champions league och han medgav att det var sköna känslor och beskrev den taktiska uppställningen:"We decided to put pace in the game and score early, but we did not manage to do it. We felt superior and we were - but as long as you do not score you must not become too nervous or impatient, and therefore be open to the counter-attack. We kept going, were intelligent and in the end scored the goal which gave us a deserved win. Patience is linked with maturity and we were conscious of that at half-time. The turning point was maybe they had a chance when their player went through, who I thought was offside. They could not take their chance and after that, Van Persie put one in the net." 

Wenger är mycket tveksam till att Steaua hade 60% av bollinnehavet."Find the guy who did this statistics. It can not be right.". Lögn, förbannad lögn och statistik i Bukarest. Jag tror att killen som räknade fick fram att matchen innehöll 48 hörnor också. Sedan ger han sig på måldomarna igen. Om de fanns. han menar att Clichys boll var inne. "ITV said it was not over the line. Romanian TV said yes. I could understand it the other way around. It is one more call for technology. It is unbelievable, but I hope it will change and not only for goals. I am a supporter of the video system and I hope it will change soon." 

Wenger vill dock inte påskina att man har haft problem med östeuropeiska lag, utan att man måste lära sig att fokusera. Därefter pratas det 49 matcher-Redan. Just nu har man nio matcher. drt saknas fyrtio.  

Avslutningsvis ger han Steaua en hel del positiv kritik:
"Steaua deserve a lot of credit because they did fight and chased the ball. They defended very well and their plan was to catch us on the counter-attack. They finished very tired because they gave absolutely everything."


Magnus Falk2007-10-03 23:12:00

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