Officiellt: Pearson lämnar
Kevin Keegan har nu bekärftat att Nigel Pearson lämnar klubben.
Precis som vi rapporterade om igår så väljer nu Pearson att lämna klubben. Anledningen är ännu okänt men det tycks vara hans egna beslut.
På den officiella hemsidan går det nu att läsa följande uttalanden från Keegan:
"Nigel came to me the day before yesterday and said I want to go.
"I asked him for a reason but never really got one.
"I said 'is it me?' and he said definitely not. I asked if it was someone else around the club and he said no.
"But he was very honest and said 'I want to go'.
"I asked him to think about it but he came in yesterday and said he had made his mind up, he'd talked about it with friends and wanted to go.
"I don't think there was any doubt we were working closely but you have to respect his decision.
"I like Nigel Pearson very much, he's a good coach and I wish him good luck in the future."
Vi på Newcasle redaktionen tackar därmed Nigel för hans insatser i klubben och önskar honom lycka till i framtiden.
Newcastles officiella hemsida.