![Coloccinis agent klargör situationen](https://imgk.svenskafans.com/articlemedia/image-original/3981.jpg?format=webp&width=640&quality=75)
Coloccinis agent klargör situationen
Igår åkte Coloccinis agent tillbaka till sitt hemland Argentina efter att förhandlingarna mellan Newcastle och Deportivo strandat. Han passade dock på att klargöra situationen innan han satte sig på flyget.
Newcastle har under tre månaders tid budat på Deportivo La Courñas argentinska mittback Fabricio Coloccini. Det första budet uppges ha legat på åtta miljoner euro men ska inte ha accepterats av den Galiciska klubben. Därför återvände Newcastle i helgen med ett bud på tolv miljoner euro, där en miljon skulle vara i form av klausul, som president Lendorio ska ha nekat. Detta trots att han uppgett till spelarens agent att det varit ett bud inom de ramar man sökte efter.
För Newcastles del är det inte första gången som Lendorio inte står för vad han sagt. Förhandlingarna om Albert Luques övergång till NUFC sommaren 2005 såg ut på liknande vis. Så fort Newcastle valt att accpetera det Deportivo efterfrågat så valde Lendorio att höja budet. Tillslut värvades Luque för nio och en halv miljoner pund.
Lendorios sätt att hantera situationen har i sin tur har rört upp känslorna hos Coloccinis agent. Enligt sidan deportivo-la-coruna.com uppges han ha sagt följande i förrgår efter förhandlingarna:
“He preferred to not see me there (England, reds anmärkning), because there were some journalists on there, and to see me with my state of tension, he preferred to not see me talking. I’m tired and I’m leaving. I have been working for three months to see them raising the offer from eight to eleven million, and when I do it and bring the offer in paper, it’s worthless. Maybe what he (Lendoiro) wants is to see Newcastle coming and building the new stadium “
“When somebody look at your face and tell you that Coloccini will have the chance to leave, and later he doesn’t fulfil his word, that’s avoiding the truth. He doesn’t eat and neither leaves other eat. He isn’t allowing his departure and neither is studying his situation at the club in order to valorise Fabricio as he deserves.”
En dag senare ska han ha sagt följande när han varit på väg att kliva ombord på ett flygplan som skulle ta honom hem till Argentina.
“We must think this part of the negotiation is over, Lendoiro has to understand there’s nothing else. If there were more options, I would be staying. Just to clarify the things, this possibility with Newcastle appeared three months ago when the most important offer was for eight million euro. They even presented a better offer, one for eleven million plus one additional million for objectives. Therefore we are talking about an offer for twelve million euro. Evidently he (Lendoiro) believes there’s more, but there isn’t!”
“Newcastle's offer began in eight million and I refused to bring it, I felt it was something impractical, a waste of time. We were two and a half months working on this until they reached eleven million euro, on yesterday’s morning (Sunday) they released almost one more million for objectives and they also changed the method of payment from the usual four fractions, something Lendoiro always do with his transfers. They ended with that proposal, an offer that was something to break the situation and when I spoke with Augusto, he asked me for two more million and another method of payment… he still pulling the string and is no longer possible, I leave for that reason.
“The player is wanted in several places, but the English league is what seduces him the most, in both senses, economic and sporting as well. It was proposed to Fabricio a five-year contract with a salary that’s doubling his current wages. There wasn’t any other offer that was not coming from Newcastle. Well, there were others, but always impossible to accept or even to be presented to the president, because I thought it was a lack of respect. I read something that came out of Tottenham. I know personally Juande Ramos, I have a good relationship with him and there was great interest, but no offers. The only one exceeding the ten million, which I knew that could satisfy the president, was the one of Newcastle. And it was also interesting for the player, because there are other markets that aren’t interesting for Fabricio.
Han uppger också att hans klient kan komma att utnyttja den så kallade “Webster domen” ifall han inte får sin vilja igenom.
“This is not some kind of pressure, no one here does that, the only measure of strength that I should do, and I'm still thinking of it, is using an article of FIFA when you have a certain age and a few years of contract (such as Matuzalem in Zaragoza) But this is something that I don’t want to try in La Coruña, that’s clear.”
Till sist klargjorde han även varför Coloccini inte anslutit övriga i Depors trupp under försäsongslägret i Venezuela.
"If he hasn’t travelled is surely because he isn’t physically fit and still has to make that part of the season the rest of players have already done.
“Another thing that should be cleared is that the absence of the player from the tour is not a decision of Coloccini, it was something agreed between him and the club, to not been forced to solve this situation with Coloccini in Venezuela. They may want to take a few days to continue evaluating the offer and to realise there’s nothing more than that, nothing is hided, is only there’s nothing more. "
Andra sidor rapporterar också om andra uttalanden från agenten. Dessa citat är hämtade från Setanta Sports enligt sidan transfermarketweb.com.
“At the end of a player’s career, the only thing that counts is their checking account, they don’t feed themselves with cups neither with medals, and I fear he could miss the contract of his life.
“The money that could make Coloccini leave the club is being dictated by Fifa, but it would be approximately what is remaining on his contract.
“No doubt the economic prejudice would be massive.
“The pay rise is very important for Fabricio,
“Here (in Spain) you have a better life, but a player’s career is very short and if you turn down €12 million it’s because the club are in a very good financial situation.
“As a consequence I hope they will have the sense to call us to sign a new deal and to offer Fabricio what he has lost, it would be right.
“I understand Lotina, it’s a problem for him, but it’s as well for Fabricio because he loses the contract of his life. I hope everything will be sorted.”
I samma artikel går det även att läsa följande citat angeånde om att Coloccini skulle följa i Websters fotspår.
“He (Coloccini) just wants to say he’s no traitor and doesn’t want to be. We don’t want to do this, but when they bring you to the edge of the precipice, it’s better to find a solution before you fall over.”
Som alla andra skator är jag överlycklig om tanken av att värva Coloccini till Newcastle. Vi får dock inte ta ut något i förskott. Agenten är så pass frispråkig att min magkänsla säger mig att han försöker locka till sig andra intressenter. Det måste trots allt finnas minst en klubb med större dragningskraft som är villig att köpa honom. Det återstår att se vad som händer de närmaste dagarna men rapporterna om att Senderos är nästa man på listan om inte Coloccini kommer förmodligen hålla mig sömnlös tills sagan får sitt slut. Personligen gissar jag på att Coloccini skiver på ett nytt kontrakt med Deportivo efter det att Newcastle vägrat höja sitt bud och transferförnstret har stängt.