Fairclough efter matchen
Barnets manager kommenterade förlusten mot Brentford med att man var värda minst en poäng.
Barnet - Brentford slutade 0-1 och här är Faircloughs kommentarer efter matchen:
"The first-half performance was very indifferent. There was a bit of a hangover and a distinct lack of confidence.
"But I have to take comfort from the second-half performance. We had enough chances to have won the game."
Fairclough sa att han var nöjd med att laget fortsatte kämpa för en kvittering även efter Adomahs straffmiss.
"They could have let their heads go down, but they responded well, and had a real go.
"I'm disappointed, but the second-half performance has given us a glimmer of hope."