Managern värderar Pintado till £4-7M
El Toro kallar flytten till Swansea för "the deal of my lifetime".

Managern värderar Pintado till £4-7M

Den nye anfallaren Gorka Pintado köptes in från Grenada för bara £70K i somras. Klubben hör hemma i de lägre divisionerna i Spanien men redan nu har "The Bull" fångat intresset hos många fans och media. 

I senaste matchen undrade bland annat Hulls kommentatorer vad en sådan kille gjorde i en klubb som spelade i L1 så sent som för några månader sedan. Även manager Martinez hyllar nu sitt nyförvärv, som för tankarna till en annan guldklimp i laget: Ferrie Bodde. Bodde köptes också in för £70K och var nära att lämna Swansea i somras för miljonbelopp. Till slut skrev han långtidskontrakt med Swansea, precis som Pintado gjort.
Martinez värderar (pengamässigt) Pintado ännu högre:

"When you look at the other strikers who have been moving around, you are talking about Gorka being worth between £4million, £5million, £6million and £7million. Gorka is the type of striker that is the hardest to find and that's the value in the British market. We are delighted that we have got him, that his best years are ahead of him and that he will be a Swansea City player for a long time to come."

Frågan är varför han då spelat i så dåliga divisioner under en lång tid av karriären:

"There are a few reasons. From a financial point of view it's better to do that in Spain and it allows the player to make decisions. Gorka had a spell at the equivalent of a Championship club in Spain, but he didn't enjoy it and after that he wanted to be a leader. He has captained his last three clubs and has averaged 18 or 19 goals in his last three seasons. He should have been playing at a higher level, but sometimes it's about someone giving you a chance."

"People look for the wrong things in football sometimes. It's easier to buy a £2million player or a £5million player than to get someone out of the lower leagues who has not been fortunate enough to get a chance."
källa (citat): vitalfootball

Pelle Nilsson2008-08-28 14:30:00

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