![Övertagandet nära](https://imgk.svenskafans.com/articlemedia/image-original/40620.jpg?format=webp&width=640&quality=75)
Övertagandet nära
Det nigerianska konsortium som säger sig vara intresserade utav klubben uppges nu ligga nära ett uppköp utav klubben.
Uppgifterna kommer ifrån den engelska nyhetskanalen Sky Sports News. De påstår sig ha pratat med någon som står nära till Mike Ashley. Denna källa ska enligt uppgift ha sagt att det finns en liten tillstymmelse till chans att övertagandet är genomfört redan innan veckans slut. Källan ska också ha bekräftat att förhandlingar mellan nigerianerna och Ashleys representanter tagits vid där summan tros sluta på någonting mellan £350 – 400 miljoner. Sist men inte minst så ska han ha uppgivit att det finns fler intressenter med i leken. Vilka det rör sig om verkar ännu vara oklart.
Vidare så har Chris Nathaniel, talesmannen för det nigerianska konsortiet, sagt följande till Kick off Nigeria:
“We have a big plus in the immediate past manager of the club, Kevin Keegan who has supported Nigerians bid to buy Newcastle. He loves the club with great passion and he is ready to do anything for the club to remain in the Premiership. He told me he is in support or our bid to buy the embattled club,
“Four prominent entrepreneurs are involved in this deal for now but they don’t want their identities to be revealed for now. They have contributed 350 million pounds so far for the project.
“But we are still beckoning to other well to do Nigerians to join this lofty and result oriented venture so that we can beat the deadline before another person or persons get the advantage over us (Nigeria) in this race to buy the club. We are targeting another 100 to 150 million pounds to make a strong offer of £450m to £500m to seal this deal once and for all.
“You know I initially said £450m but I think it may be okay to have another £50m to buy players when the deal is done.
“Keagan told me he may consider returning to the club if we eventually buy the club. This really renewed our strength and resolve to buy the club if you consider that Keegan is a house old name in England and a powerful and influential figure whenever Newcastle United is talked about
“I got lots of goodwill messages from Nigerians in both in UK, Nigeria and in America. Everybody is very excited about the prospect of Nigeria’s consortium of owning a Premier League Football Club,
“We expect Newcastle United Football Club to be Nigeria’s favoured second team. We will also make youth clubs in Nigeria a feeder team to Newcastle. Then when the structure is put right the club itself will generate enough fund to sustain itself.
“It will also bring good Public Relations for Nigeria because a lot of negative things were rumoured about the country which is not true. This will help rebuild confidence in Nigeria in the world.
“If we can pull this through it will a massive boost for the country and Africa as a whole. I am confident that Nigeria won’t let this opportunity slip off their hands,”
De verkligen uppenbarligen har storartade planer inför framtiden. Det återstår nu att se om de lyckas genomföra dem också. Tala kan vem som helst göra. Utom möjligtvis Dennis Wise, Derek Llambias och Mike Ashley...