Fairclough om Gary Breen
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Fairclough om Gary Breen

Barnets manager Paul Fairclough var lyrisk över värvningen av Gary Breen.

Här följer Paul Faircloughs kommentarer till barnetfc.com:

"He comes to us bringing everything that we have been missing on the field."

"We need real leadership ... he'll bring us leadership. He also brings experience, something else that we have been lacking."

"Gary made an immediate impact with the players, showing organisational skills and a presence."

"I am extremely excited about bringing a player of his ability and quality on board. It is something that I have been working on for a long time - convincing Gary Breen that Barnet FC is the right place for him to come. He has had loads and loads of offers from other clubs."

"He hasn't played for a while and will be working on his fitness this week. He will have the final decision on when he is available to play- he wants to make an impact from his first game."

Jimmy Johanssonbarnetsverige@hotmail.com2008-12-01 21:35:00

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