Hendon jagar trio

Barnets manager Ian Hendon bekräftar nu att han gör allt för att skriva kontrakt med Paul Furlong, Yannick Bolasie och Jake Cole.

Barnet har tagit hissen uppåt i tabellen den senaste tiden och lämnat den otäcka bottenstriden. Detta mycket tack vare Ian Hendons lånevärvningar:

-Paul Furlong, 40 år, anfallare från Southend

-Yannick Bolasie, 19 år, mittfältare från Plymouth

-Jake Cole, 24 år, målvakt från Queens Park Rangers

Alla tre har gjort stor succé och nu vill Ian Hendon behålla spelarna till nästa säsong. Hendon bekräftar nu detta för Sky Sports:

"I'm speaking to the three clubs in question about the possibility of keeping them on board here, but it is down to the players really."

"Yannick is still under contract at Plymouth, so it is likely that he will return there at the end of the season, but the other two, Furlong and Cole, are free agents in the summer."

"I've been talking to Furls on and off for a while now about keeping him here and I am hopeful that something can happen there."

Han säger också att nu när kontraktet är säkrat så kan han rotera in lite fler spelare i startelvan:

"I can't ask for any more from the players because they have given everything and it has been the same 12 or 13 players involved for the last 10 games, which has helped us with consistency.

"They are on their knees now, after so many games in such a short space of time, but that probably shows that the size of the squad isn't big enough."

"They've done ever so well lately and there will be changes for the last three games of the season because some of the players deserve a rest."

"The aim was to get safe and we have done that, anything else is a bonus. I'm not saying that we will be throwing the towel in because we would never do that, but it's not as crucial for us now to win the remaining games and put points on the board."

Jimmy Johanssonbarnetsverige@hotmail.com2009-04-14 20:00:00

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