Bould och Bartley kommenterar finalplatsen i FA Youth Cup

Aldrig kunde jag väl tro att markeringsspecialisten och den hyfsat sävligen Stevie Bould skulle bli en demoncoach för Gunners unga garde. Såg honom som en kille man träffade på puben efter matchen och som inte drog sig för att svinga en och annan bägare. kanske han gör ändå, men sinsemellan skriker han halsen av sig för sin ungdomsakademi och U18-laget. Igår blev det 4-1 mot Manchester City och Steve Bould tyckte om det.

"A perfect evening", menade han. "Result-wise for sure. To be 4-0 up so quickly – I really couldn’t have predicted that. The performance was nowhere near the level that we’ve set this year. We just didn’t pass the ball, maybe for 10 minutes we did, but we struggled after that. It was a fabulous start which I could never have foreseen. Perhaps we didn’t do ourselves justice after that.

Som gammal defensivräv kan han enkelt säga "jag har lärt dem allt jag kan" och tyckte att James Shea i målet var bäste mannen på planen. " I thought he was fabulous." Bould berömmer fyrbackslinjen. Bäst på planen. Offensiven bar OK, men förutom fyra mål så kom inte mycket. Hrrmmm, Steve. 4-1 , Det torde räcka. 

Men om man ändå tittar på offensiven, så var det en offensiv line-up med Jack Wilshere "in the hole". "We were trying to get him on the ball an awful lot more. He didn’t get as much space and I think they kind of man-marked him in the second half. I changed it again in the second half to a kind of 4-4-1-1 just to contain City a bit."

Å publiken? 9000 på en ungdomsmatch? "Fantastic.It’s great for the kids and it gives them that little experience of what it’s like to play first-team football.". Men man återkommer till arenan till finalen också, där troligtvis Liverpool väntar.

This is what we’re all involved for. The season is prolonged until late May now and it’s a great incentive for everyone and it keeps the training lively.”

Så knallar vi till mittbacken Kyle Bartley, som är en boren Manchester United Supporter( det är lätt för ungdomar att gå fel i sin ungdom, tydligen), men som gjorde mål igår.Han är själaglad. Han nickade in en hörna. det var en träningssak. Något han och Wilshere tränat på länge. "We have been working on the set pieces in training and I took the middle ground in the penalty area It was a good ball in from Jack and I just did the rest. It was a better goal than my one at Tottenham in the Quarter-Final! They all count though.It shows how my heading has improved. I feel like I've come a long way this year, my heading is still not great but it's getting better."

Bartley ser avslutningsvis framåt. Mot finalen." It was a good result. We didn't perform as well as we could do but the result is what matters most. We got the goals and the first half-an-hour was a decent performance but after that we took our foot off the pedal. We allowed a few sloppy passes to come into our game.

"But playing at Emirates Stadium tonight will help when we play the first leg of the Final. As a group I think it's good for our development so hopefully we can use that to our advantage.

"This is the big one for us. The Youth Cup is the one that everyone wants and hopefully we can emulate the 2001 side which won the trophy."

Nog om FA Youth Cup nu..

Magnus Falk2009-04-23 12:30:00

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