Ännu en rapport från Stamford Bridge..
..signerad Paul Finney, Independent R's som levererar sina betraktelser från ligacupmötet med Chelsea.
Rapporterna från förra veckans ligacupmöte fortsätter att strömma in, nu är det Paul Finney från Independent R's som levererar sina betraktelser från Stamford Bridge. Redaktionen tackar för bidraget!
Chelsea 2009 in a very different place to go to than the one I first went to back in the 80's. The walk from the tube in the old days was one I hated. The away used to mean walking past the old west stand, and you would never know if being honest how many we would take on the drip down the road, sometimes we would fill the old style pens they had and other times it was maybe only two pens we filled..
I have some horrible memories of old Chelsea away from football. I had been to many derby's back in Belfast with Glentoran playing Linfield the hate them two have for each other is shared and even as a child yo had to hide you're colours as I found out once when some blues fans seen my glens scarf and chased me all over our old estate.
Our derby with Chelsea was never as bad as that and was never a shared hate we hate them and they thought of us as I guess we did to Brentford kind of annoying but nice to visit and show who is the boss off the park. As in the years we put them in their place many times on the park.
I was talking to a mate who said he felt just before the start of our downfall and fall from the premier it started change and I recall a few visits in the 90's and just as they went all Ruud Gullit ,Gianluca Vialli and Zola away from the Dixon and Speedie era (that said I always felt Pat Nevin was more a QPR player than one for them, waste of talent at that place) things I also recall seemed to get more like a derby but apart from the Goal by Kevin Gallen of which gave birth to the magic hat song, we failed to beat them as our days in the premier came to a close.
Now jump forward to 2009 and you now have 6000 R's fans in their place the pubs full of Rangers and I never thought I would see the day that I seen QPR fans signing “we hate Chelsea and we hate Chelsea” outside Fulham Broadway tube station. Now, you got to love the Carling cup it gives Chelsea a chance to play a real football club. Went and met up with some more R's fans everyone pumped up and ready to back the boys for 90 mins of war.
Went yo get in there at last the shed was R's aix fecking thousand of us loud and proud. Now, they know who we are we are QPR filled the air and West London is ours fuck off Chelsea west London is ours. Then the hairs on you're neck stood up when the whole set of R's fans did a almighty “come on you R 's”
Then to see the hoops come on in the famous away Red And Black hoops just seemed so good and under floodlight I always felt that kit was class. I have to say this as well when you go to a ground that pays people to wave flags then you have lost you're soul and also a club that has to do it's own banners is also soulless trying to be the kop but without the history or the passion. Anyway back to the game I have to be honest it passed me by so much as were too busy giving them a wee bit of abuse. But Tom Heaton was outstanding even using his face to stop them the lad maybe on loan but he put his heart into that game. Truth is Rowland's and Kaspars Gorkšs played with so much pride and effort it was great to see,but upfront we just lacked that final ball.
The whole team did their best and gave their all and the fact that they had to sure the game up with the likes of Terry,Cole and Lampard. Being put on the pitch tells you that we made them think. Can not wait till we go there and we find the new Kevin Gallen.