Martin O´Neill - Gardner vill lämna.
Craig Gardner på väg bort.

Martin O´Neill - Gardner vill lämna.

Martin O´Neill medger nu att Gardner vill lämna klubben. Birmingham och Wolverhampton är två klubbar som det surras om.

Martin O´Neill:

" A number of clubs have enquired but there’s been nothing definite.
In an ideal world I’d like him to stay but players like to play.
He’s one I’d like to keep but it might not be possible.
He’s not sure about things, his training has been good but he’s a bit down.
I had thoughts of him playing against Blackburn but decided to leave it alone.” 

I nuläget ligger spelare som Milner, Petrov, Reo-Coker, Sidwell och Delph före Gardner.

Ronny "Suckroar" Dahlgren2010-01-03 15:39:00

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