Barnet och Blackpool krigar om Adomah
Det har blossat upp en ordentlig strid om Albert Adomah.
Barnets mittfältare Albert Adomah är ständigt en jagad man och detta januarifönster är inget undantag. Blackpool sägs vara det hetaste spåret och deras frispråkige manager Ian Holloway kritiserade igår Barnet för den höga prislappen:
"The fact is his chairman wanted a ridiculous amount of money and I totally refused to pay it.
"On what I've seen, and what my scouts have reported back to me, I think it is an inflated price and I'm not going to pay it (Barnet are believed to be after in the region of £500,000)
"I still like him as a lad. He is a good player and he does all sorts of things right.
"But am I going to spend the amount of money that his chairman thinks he is worth? The answer is an absolute no."
Idag svarade Barnet genom ordförande Tony Kleanthous som var mycket kritisk till Holloways ordförande:
"We never quoted Blackpool a price ... we merely said that we had received a written offer from one of the many interested clubs and that they would have to match that."
"If paying the market rate is a ridiculous sum of money then they should set their sights lower because they only offered half what we could have achieved elsewhere. There is no need for derogatory remarks and it's no good Blackpool pleading poverty to us, we just want to achieve the maximum compensation possible as we would have to replace him, which will not be easy."
"We have no axe to grind and have made it clear that we would not stand in Albert's way, or that of any other player in fact, if they want to leave our club, but the right offer must come in for us to consider doing business."
"If Blackpool are interested in signing him, as their manager is still saying, then we are prepared to do a deal but it's ludicrous asking us to do them a favour and lower the fee considering our position in League 2 and theirs in the Championship. The difference we are talking about here is only a little more than 6% of their TV money from the League so I'm not sure why they are making this issue."
Det är ju ingen hemlighet att Holloways utspel är ett försök att sänka priset på Adomah. Med stöd av en provisionstagande agent lär de ta till alla möjliga knep att få till ett för dem mer fördelaktigt pris.
Det är också vida känt att Holloway letar efter en kantspringare och velat ha Adomah sedan i somras. Här finns alltså en efterfrågan och självklart ska Barnet med sitt utbud ta ordentligt betalt.
Citat från Blackpool Gazette och barnetfc.com.