Angel Rangel besviken på Swanseas ordförande
Rangel (bakgrunden) är minst lika viktig som Bodde och Britton.

Angel Rangel besviken på Swanseas ordförande

Angel Rangel är mycket besviken på ordförande Huw Jenkins och har uttalat sig i media sedan transferfönstret stängt. Det hela rör sig om att högerbacken menar att ordföranden med flit hindrat honom från att gå vidare i sin karriär då Fulham ska ha mött Swanseas krav på ersättning varpå Jenkins helt enkelt stängde av mobilen:

"I will be honest, what I know from my agent is that Fulham made an offer and it was the offer the (Swansea) chairman was asking for. But then when everything about the deal was sorted and everything was ready, the chairman did not answer his phone or he turned it off. I think he asked for quite a lot of money for me and Fulham made a huge effort to get me, but he didn't want to sell. I think he asked for quite a high fee and he didn't expect Fulham to agree it."

"To be honest I am disappointed. We are not talking about another Championship club or a struggling Premier League club. Fulham are one of the top 10 sides in the country, they are in the fifth round of the FA Cup and they are in the Europa League. I have always given my best for Swansea City, but I have always said I would like to consider it if a Premier League club came in for me. That has now happened but the chairman did not ask me what I thought. Swansea only paid a few thousand pounds for me so they would have got a good profit out of the deal. But it didn't happen and I am disappointed. I feel like the chairman has stopped me improving my career." (

Huw Jenkins svarade på detta snabbt:

"In response to the story I would like to clarify certain points. At no time did Fulham offer any financial deal for our player apart from a loan option with the 'possibility' of a permanent deal at the end of it. I am certainly not prepared to let a regular and quality Championship player with 18 months left on his contract leave the club for virtually nothing. As with every footballer at this club, if they don't want to play for Swansea City then they can leave, because it is important we maintain the fantastic spirit and togetherness within the squad that has taken us up to fifth in the Championship. But they will not leave until the deal is right for this football club." (Officiella)

Svårt att veta vad som stämmer i denna soppa och vi får hoppas att Rangel inte kommer att påverkas negativt. Är spelaren missnöjd håller jag med om att han bör lämna klubben och Swansea bör i så fall bränna pengar på att ge Jazz Richards (ung, egen talang som jagas av bland annat Glasgow Rangers) ett lukrativt långtidskontrakt och satsa på honom.

Pelle Nilsson2010-02-03 14:00:00

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