Wenger efter matchen mot Chelsea

Välkomna till åter en presskonferens med överskriften "Vi var det bättre laget, men de vann"; signerat Arsène Wenger. 

Man måste respektera fransmannen. Han är en vresig gammal gubbe, som maler på i samma kvarn. Som Brad Davis i Midnight Express, där han går i källaren. Typ så är Wenger. 0-2 på Stamford Bridge. Lämnar en bitter eftersmak. Nio poäng efter. Tretton matcher kvar. Är loppet kört? Så är det nog, men i en liga där alla verkar ta poäng av alla, så kan finns det ju fortfarande 39 poäng kvar att spela om och Gunners har ju haft en märklig förmåga att plocka pinnar av de sämre lagen detta år. Så hoppet är det sista som överger människan och kunde Christian Olsson hoppa, så kan vi hoppas. 

Wenger gratulerar Chelsea och hänger ut försvarsagerandet "You have to congratulate Chelsea. We didn't get a demonstration of football but they were efficient and, at the end of the day, that is what has made the difference. I believe the first goal contributed highly to our defeat and that is where we were guilty today."

Tyckte Wenger att Chelsea spelade hårt? Inte alls. De Kandinsky-blåa gossarna skötte sig och så också domaren. Wenger säger att - om ett lag dominerar bollinnehavet så mycket, så blir det kontringar. "We were not in a position where we were dominated. We were always in an attacking position and then you have to risk everything going forward and of course they are good on counter attacks. I believe that our spirit was great, our performance was great but in a big game like that when you are 2-0 down you demand too much."

Han är dock nöjd med lagets uppträdande. Till skillnad mot matchen mot ManU. där laget lade sig ned som en död anka, så stod man upp. ""I am completely happy with our performance and the spirit we have shown. For me, as much as we didn't turn up against Manchester United, today we had the expected performance. We were still a bit uncertain at the start of the game. When you went into it we were completely dominant. That's how I explain that we conceded the first corner. Incidentally I would like to check if before the corner it was a free-kick for Chelsea, I would like to see that. I always thought we would come back, I always had that feeling today. But you have to give them credit, they defended very well, they are very experienced at the back. They make the foul at the right time when they are caught on the counter-attack. The little push with the shirt, it is not enough to get a yellow card. They have a lot of tricks of a very experienced team and they do that very well. Overall we tried very hard today and the team gave absolutely everything. Sometimes when you lose you have to acknowledge that with your team."

Sedan noterar han att Drogtba fortsätter att göra mål mot Gunners, att Bendtner troligtvis skulle haft en straff, att Chelseas lag var betydligt med rutinerat än Gunners,och att kampen om titeln nu är jobbigare; "I feel that we are not in the best position but we will not give up. We were a bit unfortunate as well in the same period to play Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool on the trot. If you lose one game if is very difficult with the psychological implications for the next game. I believe that is a little bit of a disadvantage."

Matchen mot LIverpool blir nu väldigt viktig. "It is vital of course. It was vital today but we still lost." 

Nästa match mot Pool...Viktig.

Magnus Falk2010-02-08 07:01:00

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