Wenger efter matchen mot Sunderland

Det var tre pinnar mot Sunderland det. För fyra-fem år sedan så såg jag Arsenal-Sunderland en blåsig november på Highbury och jag minns den matchen mycket väl. Jag fann mig samtanalndes med Bissen Larsson och noterade att Arturo Lupoli såg ut som en 12åring. Wenger plockade runt med laget efter Porto-matchen, återinstallerade Almunia i laget exempelvis och vi såg Wenger vara nöjd med tre poäng..

Wenger tittar inte på konkurrenterna i titellöpet dpck. "VI vinner matcherna och hoppas att andra tappar poäng." Han hoppas också att världen inser att det är inte lätta att ta tre poäng i dagens Premier League. "When the teams play in the Champions League in midweek, anyone can drop points." 

Fransmannen fortsätter med att konstatera att Chelsea-Manchester United skall spelas. Lagen kommer att tappa poäng. "Sport is movement. It can change quickly and what looks right today, can be different in three weeks. It is interesting because it is not predictable. "Sedan menar Wenger att han tyckte att Arsenal hade en god fart idag"We had a good pace in the first half and we could see that it is important to have a squad where you can rotate a little bit because the players who did not play on Wednesday night were sharp. We gave a lot physically on Wednesday night and in the second half you could see that. But we were focused." 

Vår tränare ser att laget har två fighter att gå under säsongen. En är att blanda sig i toppstriden och en är att undvika de som jagar bakom. Men" I believe that the team is focussed, wants to do well and responded well today to the disappointment of Wednesday night. That is all you can ask. I am very happy with the players." Samtidigt menar han att det inte spelar så stor roll att laget inte behöver möta "the big four" under resten av säsongen ".
"I believe we still have difficult games. We go to Stoke City next week. We promised ourselves to give our best in every game until the end of the season and then the pride will be to say 'we went as far as we could' and see where we stand."

Sedan följer några kommentarer om spelarna;
Om Walcott"I think he is much sharper than three weeks ago. He is still lacking a bit of confidence in the final third but for 60-70 minutes he looked dangerous. He made good runs and I believe he is on the way up." 

Om  Emmanuel Eboue"Eboue is a good example that you can always change the opinion of people if you keep focussed, have talent and produce on the pitch. The people who booed him one year ago today love him. That is down to his attitude and it is the credit he deservesHe is a good football player and where you see him stand in the opposition box against two players, you know he will pass. Why should be not be capable of playing right midfielder?" 

Om Carlos Vela och hans möjligheter att spela för Mexico i VM"He is a good player. I hope he will he play for Mexico in the World Cup. I don't make the team, I make only the Arsenal team. For me Carlos Vela is a very talented player who missed the preparation of the season and was then injured. Today he had a groin problem and that is why I didn't consider him. What he needs is to be injury free and get a good run of games. He is a very talented player who is maturing now. When you are 17, 18 it is easy. At 20 you realise it is not as easy as it looks. He has gone through that stage now and I am confident he will do well." 

Källa: www.arsenal.com

Magnus Falk2010-02-21 19:30:00

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