Wenger efter matchen mot Blackpool

Det sägs att man kan se ljusen från "Blackpools pier" från månen. Belysningen lär vara enorm. Så Blackpool-spelarna borde ha varit vana vid ljus; eller i alla fall "Speed of light", när Theo Walcott swischade förbi dem. Det var den snabbe Theos dag. 6-0 till Gunners hemma. Det hade kunnat bli 8-0 eller 9-0, men samtidigt drar man inte så stora växlar på det eftersom Blackpool spåelade med en man mindre större delen av matchen. Men 6-0 är bra för självförtroendet och när vår grodhoppande fransman till manager sammanfattar matchen, så är det mycket Theo Walcott. 

Wenger var naturligtvis mycket nöjd med matchen och tyckte att laget hade ett härligt flyt, men gav också Blackpool "cred" för att "...Blackpool when they had 11 on the pitch they looked like they could create. They tried to play in a positive way. We looked very dangerous when we won the ball and I believe we have matured because when we were 3-0 up at half-time we didn't become sloppy. We kept playing the way we wanted to play and overall it became a comfortable win." Vidare säger musketören att Blackpool har överraskat. Vem kunde tro att de skulle ta tre poäng på de två första matcherna?

Sedan kör vi lite Walcott. 
...om hans mognad
"He is more electric than he has been to date because he is sharp. I like today the fact he mixed well the final ball and the finishing. That is always a sign that the player is always more mature. Let's not forget that what he does is at a very high pace so it's not always easy to make the right decision but today I think he got many decisions in the final third right."

..att han har fått vila i sommar
"He had a good preparation for the first time for a long, long time without being interrupted by injury or without coming back late. You could see that. We have known for two or three weeks now that he is sharp because he had a very good preparation."

..hans "bounce-back" från att inte spelat VM
"He is a guy with his feet on the ground, he takes life in a positive way. He sees always the glass half-full and not half-empty. So he took that as another challenge and that is what is amazing about Theo. He is 21, he is now at the age where usually players start. You can't say he is at the peak of his game, there is a lot to come from him. There are two things: first he has to keep his attitude right and two he has to be injury-free because that decides careers as well."

Vidare så gav Wenger mycket gott betyg till Rosicky, som Wenger ser har kommit tillbaka efter skada, mognat och han ser ut att ha en bra mognad och gör skillnad när han kliver in på planen. 

Om straffen sade Wenger rakt ut att den var tveksam. Men han menar samtidigt att det är svårt att se från deras position. (Lägg märke till varianten på "I did not zee zat"). Han tyckte dock att rött kort ibland är för hårt "I feel many times a yellow card would be enough."

Fransmannen gilar Chamakh. Han tar för sig och påverkar skeendet .."... he got the penalty, he got the sending off, he got the goal and he was involved in the goal last week. He is an efficient player and he has still to adapt to our style. But I am very confident that when you see the header today his goals can be vital in big games." Strassburgaren säger också att han och van Persie kan spela bra ihop, men om det blir 4-4-2 framöver..nja där låter han diskussionen vara.

Så avslutar vi med million-dollar - question. Blir det någon ny? Wenger säger "I am confident we will add at least one, maybe one plus one. It is difficult to predict because the market is very quiet but I know that in the last five days it gets crazy and then it gets completely mad." ..och om Schwzarzer?  Ingenting nytt.  

Källa: www.arsenal.com

Magnus Falk2010-08-23 19:39:00

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