Supporterskaran i Sverige utökas
Vi får ett tillskott i den svenska supporterskaran.
Att det finns en hel del svenska Barnet-supportrar är ingen nyhet. Avdelningen är på SvenskaFans är ständigt aktiv, supporterresor arrangeras och antal läsare är omkring 300-400 per artikel (totalt närmare 850 000 sedan starten).
Såhär i säsongsupptakten kommer nyheter från England att supporterskaran utökas med ytterligare en skön personlighet. Tony Fenton heter vårat senaste tillskott som byter London mot Stockholm och Underhill mot Söderstadion. Fenton var en mycket populär och uppskattad spelare i supporterlaget och såhär skriver deras manager John Hunt om Fentons flytt:
"He is emigrating to Sweden to be with the love of his life Elin. When the supporters played the staff at Underhill two seasons ago, Tony was crestfallen as he realised it coincidenced with a weekend away with the in-laws. A compromise was struck and it was arranged that Elin's father Åke could have a cameo in the team. He replaced Robin Goldman, and scored with a header."
"Tony's goal that day was a real peach, and can be seen on You Tube and on the official match video of the game . . . still available to buy !"
"Recently we played a farewell game in his honour at the Hive against his Sunday league side New Barnet Casuals. He played a half for each, and scored a penalty for both ! An official expensive jabulani ball was used to mark the ocassion, until it was hoofed out onto the railway track by Simon Sav Alavi."
"He is going to be a sports coach in Stockholm, and will take residence as a season ticket holder for Hammarby IF. "
"Alert to any Sunday league sides in the Stockholm area needing a classy centre forward to contact Tony. Flame haired Fenton answers to the nickname Tone the Bone."
"On behalf of FCBFCSA , i would like to wish him all the best for the future. We look forward to seeing him back in the black and amber at Christmas."
Åkes snygga mål går att se här.
Vi hälsar också Tony välkommen till Sverige och hoppas att Djurgårdarna i våra led tar hand om Mr Fenton, trots Hammarby-hjärtat!