En hälsning från Thommo

David Thompson lämnade klubben i veckan till förmån för Blackburn. Här följer hans hälsning till Coventrys fans.

“I would just like to thank all the fans at Coventry City– you were always good to me even though I was going to go.

“One of my best memories of being at the club was last year at the end of season awards dinner. To pick up both the fans’ and players’ player of the year was great, especially the one voted by you guys - it meant a lot.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t stay and help you get back up, especially as I was part of the team that took you down but hopefully I’ll see you all again soon in the Premiership.

“You’ve got a good manager and a good team and I’d like to wish Captain John Eustace and all the boys every success.

“I’ll miss everyone and wanted to take this opportunity to show my thanks.”

- David Thompson

Vi på Coventrys Redaktion här på Svenskafans tackar "Thommo" för orden och för hans tid i Sky Blues.
Vi önskar honom all lycka.
Han kommer otvivelaktigt att saknas ...

Mattias Larsson2002-08-30 21:18:00

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