Stein Carlsson - "En diehard Villasupporter!"

Aston Villa Supporters´Club Sweden fortsätter att förekomma i Villas officiella matchprogram. I programbladet hemma mot Charlton den 11 september finns en intervju med vårt orakel Stein "Dennis Mortimer" Carlsson.

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Villa have diehard supporters all over Europe, but few can be as knowledgeable about the club´s players as Swedish Stein Carlsson. A member of AVSC Sweden, Stein has compiled a register of every player who has represented the club at first team level since our formation in 1874. In between compiling his extensive list, Stein found time to answer a questionnaire compiled by the Swedeish bransch...

How did you choose Villa as your team?

I watched a televised Division Two game back in 1973 and was impressed by the team´s colours and the singing of the crowd. Villa won 2-1 and I fell in love with the club.

How do you keep track of Villa´s games from Sweden?

If the game is on SKY TV, I meet up with fellow Villans at a pub in Stockholm. Otherwise I depend on the radio or the Internet.

What was the most memorable trip to a Villa game?

When you only see live matches occasionally, all the trips are memorable, but I would pick the game in Highbury in May 1981 when we lost 2-0 to Arsenal but celebrated winning the Championship.

If you could play in one Villa team from the past, which would you choose?

The 1977 League Cup-winning side, which had a lot of exceptional players.

If you had Marcus Allback and Olof Mellberg at your house, what would you cook them for dinner?

I wouldn´t. I would take them for a meal and a few pints at the pub where I go and watch Villa´s matches on television.

What´s your wish for this season?

For Villa to remain the best team in the Midlands.

Hans Fagerlin2002-09-19 23:10:00

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