Trevor Benjamin: "Jag vill stanna i Brighton!"

Leicesters murbracka Trevor Benjamin, uppgav igar vid en intervju med The Argus, att han vill stanna i sydkustklubben.

Trevor Benjamin berattade igar i en oppenhjartad intervju med The Argus, att han mer an garna skulle vilja stanna i Brighton langre, an det en manads langa lan, han nu ar i klubben pa.

" -I would like to stay longer, but we will see what happens after this month. Brighton suit the way I play and I have settled in from day one. As soon as I came the players made me feel welcome. It's like a big, happy family here, the same as at Leicester."

Benjamin som ocksa var onskad av division tre laget Mansfield, tror fortfarande dock att han kan lyckas i Premier League.

"I wouldn't have wanted to drop that low. I believe in my ability. I am not a big-headed person, but I think I can play at any level I want to when I am fit and ready. I am only 24, so I have still got a lot of time. And Brighton can be the perfect plays to restart from."

Och onskan om att Benjamin ska stanna langre an det en manads langa lanet, ar omsesidigt fran saval managern Mark McGhee som anfalls partnern Leon Knight.

" -Trevor has settled in very quickly. We would all love to keep him for longer. We have got to try and see if we can keep him for another month at least. He is strong with a good touch and a bit of pace and he will get goals.

"He takes the bangs for me and the attention away from me. Sometimes the opposition lose concentration with him about and that means I can slip in here and there."

McGhee har, vad SV-redaktionen erfar, darfor redan nu lagt in en skriftlig forfragan till Leicesters Mickey Adams om att lanet av Benjamin ska forlangas. Svaret lar komma inom kort......

Up the Seagulls!!

Charlie Jonn2004-02-03 13:00:00

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