20 frågor till Graeme Sharp

Jag fick nyligen ett tillfälle att ställa ett antal frågor till Everton-legenden Graeme Sharp. Hans svar var intressanta, men tyvärr ganska kortfattiga.

1.When did you decide that you wanted to be a footballer?

I first started playing in the school team when I was seven years old.The team was under 11's but it made no difference and it was around then I started dreaming of becoming a footballer.

2.Did you try other professions before football?

No, I left school after my exams and signed part-time with Dumbarton, who were in in the Scottish First Division.

3.Which clubs, besides Everton, have you represented?

I have played for Dumbarton, Everton and Oldham Athletic.

4.Were you ever interested(or forced) to play in a different position?

I always wanted to play as a striker but I have played in a wide midfield role on occasions.

5.What was your first impression of Everton when you arrived?

My first impressions were that it was a massive club with a fabulous history.

6.What, in your opinion, were the reasons for Evertons success in the eighties?

Hard work and a great team spirit as well as great players.

7.Did you have a "favourite" team or opponent?

I always scored against Manchester United and Aston Villa, they were my lucky sides.

8.Did you ever receive verbal threats from defenders during games? If yes, an example?

Verbal banter was part and parcel of games and I was on the end of some during my career.

9.Derby games were always fierce on the pitch, but were they fierce in the players lounge afterwards?

No, we were always friendly towards the majority of Liverpool players. Ronnie Whelan was my next door neighbour.

10.Did the team prepare for derby games differently?


11.It´s always difficult but, how would you compare the team from the mid-eighties to the current team?

I'm afraid there is little comparison.

12.Can you pick out a high point/low point in your time with the club?

High points were obviously signing for Everton and winning games and trophies. The low points were losing games and leaving the club in the manner in which I did.

13.Is there a special happy moment or a practical joke you can tell us about?

I'm afraid my memory isn't that good nowadays. Scoring in an FA Cup Final is a special memory.

14.How would you describe the personalities of Sheedy, Southall, Ratcliffe, Reid, Steven, Nevin, McCall, Gray, Bracewell and Cottee to people?

Bizarre to say the least!

15.Do you keep in touch with any of your old teammates?
Yes, we meet up from time to time.

16.Would you like to try being a manager again?

No, not really unless the club involved were ambitious.

17.Which manager has influenced you the most?

No manager in particular but I have the utmost respect for all the managers I played under. Colin Harvey is the person I would say had the biggest influence on my career.

18.Do you have a special memory from your time with the Scottish national team?

Not particularly but I was fortunate to be involved in the 1986 World Cup Finals in Mexico.

19.How do you feel football has changed since you retired and are there any rules you would like to change today?

Football has changed dramatically since my time.There is obviously more money in the game and a huge influx of foreign players. The game does not need any more changes, it's fine as it is.

20.What is your opinion of todays Everton squad, especially Wayne Rooney and the strikers?

The current squad needs strengthening in certain areas if we are to progress. Wayne Rooney is a talented young player who still has a lot to learn but has the potential to become a superstar.

Krister Forsstedt2004-02-26 15:07:00

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