Resetips inför Arsenalmatchen

Paul Roberts gav, med glimten i ögat, en del resetips i Cupvinnarcupen 1994 - det visar sig att dessa fortfarande gäller.

An away trip to Arsenal in the European Cup Winners Cup would give Chelsea fans the opportunity to sample the Bohemian atmosphere and elegant sophistication that Islington and Hackney are renowned for the world over. For fans who are tempted to make a holiday of the tie, may we suggest that a whole day is taken to visit the famous Finsbury reservoir; or alternatively take a leisurely stroll along the Balls Pond Road with its many cultured street cafes where the urbane and suave denizens of the area rub shoulders with the international of the district; and don´t forget that there a number of discount travel cards on offer that mean the delights of Shoreditch and Leyton are just a short bus ride away.

On the day of the game we advise you to get to Highbury early to savour the unique atmosphere that only Arsenal fans can generate; unique because it is the only ground in Europe that as kick-off approaches, it actually gets quieter. The "Highbury Library" effect is known throughout the world of football.

Finally, visas are no longer necessary for visits to arsenal but inoculations are advised and don´t forget, on entering Islington, put your watch back thirty years.

Ovanstående text skrevs av Paul Roberts för fanzinet "Chelsea Independent" 1994. Texten nedskriven av Andreas aka "Shedhead".

Peter Arvidsson2004-04-06 07:58:00

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