Angel vill förlänga sitt kontrakt med 5 år

Är detta den bästa nyheten i år? JAJAMENSAN!

Villas bästa målskytt vill alltså stanna i klubben för merparten av sin kvarvarande karriär. Det är inte ofta man hör sådant, det brukar annars vara klubbar som rycker i våra spelare so fort de visar framfötterna. Angel har acklimatiserat sig i Birmingham och är mycket nöjd med vad DOL har infört för mentalitet i klubben.

Angel säger:

"I always said that this is the best time of my career. I feel more mature, more experienced and I want to commit myself for the next four or five years so that I can fight for something."

"The good thing here is that I have a great relationship with the supporters, and that really makes me very happy.

"I can do no wrong in their eyes, and that is more responsibility for myself because it means more expectation - but I am prepared for that.

"I have been prepared since I came here because they have been fantastic since the very first day."

Angel säger att han vill stanna även om andra klubbar vill köpa honom.

Han säger:

"I'm happy here. This season has been remarkable in so many ways, not just because of the results but also because we are enjoying a different style of game, people are enjoying more the way we play."

Angel säger att han och DOL planerar för många år framöver:

"The manager wants to be here longer as well because you cannot bring a club forward in just two years. To make a good impact on the club you have to make a platform and that could take four or five years.

"There are so many things that still have to change, but we have the right person to change it, and hopefully in the next few years it will change and we can have the Aston Villa that everyone has been dreaming of for so long."

Dessa ord värmer mitt gamla Villahjärta. Hoppas Ellis fattar vinken och ger JPA vad han vill ha, och det snarast.

Källa: Evening Mail

Mikael "Tegis" Tegbrink2004-04-28 15:45:00

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