Aston Villa Radio

Steve Truem presenterar sig och Aston Villa Radio. Om ni besöker Villa Park, så är ni alltid välkomna till studion.

Hi everyone in the Aston Villa Supportersclub Sweden.

My name is Steve Trueman and I present a radio programme from the Aston Villa radio station before Villa home games.

The radio can be picked up on Sky 903, and the programme that i present is a fans based programme. The idea is for fans to come along into the studio or I will telephone them to talk live on-air about all things Villa good bad or sometimes ugly. On 1st January before the Blackburn game i telephoned Mikael Tegbrink(Tegis) and we chatted for about 20 minutes.

I do try to get International Villa fans involved in the programme because I think that more could be done by the club to get them involved and I think its great that so many of you come over for games. I will be having Steve
Stride in the studio in the near future, the purpose of this is to see if the club could allocate a number of tickets to International fans and maybe set up an "international supporters season ticket" this is an idea so that international fans can obtain tickets for villa away games (alot of fans told me they have to sit with the opposition fans at Villa away games) I will keep you informed of this as things develop.

Finally if any of your members would like to come along to the studio the next time they are at a home game and talk live on-air please mail me at and I will make the arrangements. Or if you would like me to telephone you to talk live mail me your telephone number. Remember the programme is for fans and is presented by myself a villafan of over 40 years.

Many thanks for your time and




Sky 903 kan för tillfället endast lyssnas på genom digitalradio. Dom jobbar på att man ska få in stationen om man har t ex Villa World.

Ang. Villa Radio, det är många Villafans runt om i Europa som inte kan lyssna på Villa Radio, tekniken finns, men Ellis och Villa tycker att det räcker med digitalradio i Brum-området.

Så nu uppmanar Steve Trueman alla europeiska Villafans att maila ansvariga och göra det möjligt att lyssna på Villa Radio via webben, t ex i Villa World, som endast sänder radio i samband med matcher.

Mannen som ni kan maila till heter:
Steve Stride, e-mail:

Maila honom och skriv vad ni tycker.

Stefan Johansson2005-01-05 23:45:00

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