Ny Chelsea sida öppnar inom kort.

www.chelseafcauctions.com Här kan Chelsea fans köpa och sälja signerade produkter.

Name of Site> is proud to announce the launch of a new and exciting community website for the supporters of Chelsea Football Club. Chelsea FC Auctions has been endorsed by Chelsea Football Club and is dedicated to the Chelsea football community.

will be working closely with Chelsea FC Auctions to provide our members with a platform to purchase signed merchandise. The site will provide extensive auction services for sellers and buyers and will primarily provide an auction shop for signed merchandise supplied exclusively by Chelsea football club. This demonstrates a vital unity between the supporters and the club in the knowledge that these products can now be purchased with the integrity of ownership. Therefore all items are guaranteed to be genuine official products and thus safeguards buyers who wish to purchase this unique merchandise.

Nick Fernando, Jason Yorke and Mark Howard of Fans.UK.Net Ltd have masterminded this joint venture directly with Chelsea football club and plan to develop the future of signed merchandise. The aim is to ensure ownership of these products is achieved at affordable prices and available to all Chelsea fans worldwide.

All profits from all shop auctions will be donated to various charities and charitable initiatives. Chelsea FC Auctions will be working closely with Chelsea football club in ensuring that these proceeds are distributed to worthy causes.

Chelsea Football Club will make an official announcement shortly about this venture and are enthusiastic to promote the first of its kind in football.

Harri Hemmi2005-05-02 16:50:00

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