
Kommentarer efter matchen

Vad sades efter den sista matchen på Highbury?

Arsene Wenger var en glad och lättad man efter matchen och erkände att Wigan gav laget en tuff holmgång: "I felt that Wigan gave us a hard time, but we had to deal with nerves as well. We went into the last week knowing that two away games, and one home game against Wigan, and less than nine points we have no chance. I feel that we did it in a fantastic manner because we scored 10 goals, and we had three cup games because all three teams gave us a very hard time. I'm very proud for my team because they did it in an exceptional way with a lot of character."

Mr Wenger berättade också om hur han fick lugna spelarna då han kände att en del nerver hade smugit sin i bland dem och kanske berodde det på atmosfären som skapats dagen till ära: "It effected a little bit the nerves, and I tried to convince the players to remain calm. I felt that when they came back to 2-2 we rushed a little bit our game and tried too much to do the final ball too quickly, or too individually. In the second half we did better with that."

Angående Thierry Henrys framtid kunde inte Wenger ge några svar: "He keeps that for himself. I encourage every one to respect that until he makes a decision."

Matchens lirare, Thierry Henry, tyckte att Arsenal förtjänade fjärdeplatsen: "No-one now can say we didn't deserve it. We are fourth and we are going to play the final of the Champions League. At the end of 38 games the table does not lie. Chelsea are worthy champions and Manchester United and Liverpool tried hard to battle all the way. We have been missing so many players this season. It has not been easy and we did it the hard way. It is not the way we do things, finishing fourth."

Även Gilberto tyckte att man förtjänade fjärdeplatsen: "It was very important for us. We gave our best to reach fourth place and we deserve fourth place because we showed on the pitch we wanted to take this place."

Kolo Toure blev överväldigad när han och hans lagkamrater kom ut på Highbury och såg alla fans i röda och vita t-shirts som de blivit tilldelade: "When we came on the pitch and saw the fans in white and red the feeling was fantastic and we played a great game and we are very happy."

Patrik Nilsson2006-05-07 23:00:00

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