
Campbell och Arsenal går skilda vägar

Efter fem år i den röd-vita tröjan väljer så nu Sol Campbell att pröva lyckan någon annanstans. offentliggjordes för bara en stund sedan att Sol Campbell nu lämnar klubben.

Campbell säger:

“After much consideration, I have taken the decision to leave Arsenal."

“I have spent five fantastic, trophy-filled seasons at the Club, with many truly memorable moments, including winning the Premiership title in 2004 by remaining unbeaten for the entire campaign. So, it is with a sense of pride, achievement and the desire for a fresh challenge that I depart. Playing abroad is something that would really interest me but at the moment I am keeping all of my options open."

“I would like to thank: Arsène Wenger for everything he has done for me; the world class players that I have been privileged to play alongside and accomplish so much; everyone behind the scenes, from the directors to the staff and lastly but by no means least, to the fans. You have been a constant source of warm-spirited support for which I am truly grateful."

“I'd like to thank everyone associated with the Club for the wonderful memories and wish the team the best of luck in the future.” 

Arsene Wenger tycker det är tråkigt att Campbell lämnar klubben men passade också på att tacka honom för de fem åren:

“Sol has been a giant for us since his arrival in 2001. His desire and presence have been instrumental to our success over the past five years, but we respect his decision to move on and of course, we are very sorry to see him go."

“I would like to thank Sol for his tremendous contribution. His commitment, stature and strength of character have served us remarkably well, both individually and as a team player who captained the side. I know that the younger players, who have progressed here over recent times, have benefited hugely from playing alongside Sol. Everyone at the Club wishes Sol all the best for the future.” 

Vi passar också på att tacka Campbell för allt under dessa år. Men inget ont som inte för något gott med sig, eller hur man nu säger. Vi blir nu av med en av de större spelarlönerna och dessutom för en spelare som inte en lyckas vara skadefri 6-8 veckor.

Tack Sol för allt och lycka till i framtiden!

Patrik Nilsson2006-07-08 19:32:00

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