Kommentarer efter matchen mot Manchester United
Medan Sir Alex skriver resultatet på tavlan och förklarar hur ett och ett blir två och samtidigt förklarar för Rooney att han tackade Touré, men inte vann matchen( waddafackk? sade Wayne och kicksparkade duschstrålen), så tar vi en promenad längs Emirates Stadium och se..vem står här ocj väntar på en intervju? Jo, Arsène Wenger. Lika tillgänglig som en vårdag.
Mycket kommentarer en dag som detta. Kan Wenger svälja sina snittar? Jodå, här är strassburgaren och menar att"I feel that our character was tested twice today. Just before half time and with eight minutes to go, we were twice down and came back against a good Man United side. In fairness, there is a difference in the impression they gave and what they created really because they looked always like they could take advantage of any mistake we will make. Going forward they have clinical players and they did that well, but if you look overall they didn't create a lot although they are a very good side."
Wenger var dock nöjd med resultatet eftersom laget låg under med 2-1. Han tyckte att man spelade med fel hastighet i bollförflyttningen och släppte in ManU. Sedan såg han inte hellre den skärpa han sett hittillls i avslutningen. " Character-wise, we have shown plenty again."
Fransmannen menar vidare att det finns en dold styrka i laget, som folk inte sett. "There's something special in this side that you don't see at first because it is a team who attracts you more by the technical ability. But if you look well into the side there is some resilience that is well hidden. There is some character that is well hidden because it is all disguised by the fact that it looks easy. The team has easy technique, you know? But there is a lot of technique in there."
För att sammanfatta matchen , så menar han att linjedomaren gjorde sitt jobb. " Fantastic, because he was on the wrong side, and he saw it. I don't know how he saw it. When you see it on television the ball was in by quite a yard."
Låtommoss prata lite Gallas. Många tycker att det är ett Chelsea-as, men egentligen; pojken har hjärta och Wenger skickar ytterligare ett meddelande: The best way to lead your team is to show character and he did that today, he was calm, he scored an important goal and overall I feel of course with his attitude, he is really 'in it' much more than last year I felt, he's really part of it, he wants to lead the team. He looked last season a bit more on the fringe of the side, this year he's really in the heart of it and I'm very happy with his leadership qualities."
Wenger hade lika mycket glasögon som oss andra. Såg inte möe. Men har en idé om Gallas mål."I didn't see it. I saw that ball coming out again, then it went to Walcott, I thought 'he will put it in' and he missed his shot, and then the referee interrupted the game. I thought he has given a free-kick against us, a foul or an offside, so I had a very good... not present, but surprise. The best way to lead your team is to show character and he did that today, he was calm, he scored an important goal and overall I feel of course with his attitude, he is really 'in it' much more than last year I felt, he's really part of it, he wants to lead the team. He looked last season a bit more on the fringe of the side, this year he's really in the heart of it and I'm very happy with his leadership qualities."
Notera detta, damer och herrar. Det kan vara den första och enda gången Wenger ger linjedomaren en klapp på axeln. Sedan vänder vi på diskussionen och menar att ManU kan vara en god väg framåt. Men ändå:""We are in [front at] the moment because we have a game in hand and we're in front, how it will go I don't know, it depends on how much Chelsea and Liverpool will come back into the race. At Christmas you will know more about that because it looks Chelsea has found a new consistency, and today is a big day - Blackburn [versus] Liverpool as well, and in the next two or three games you will know more about them."