
Dagens Arsenal 7 mars

Skador på Diaby och Walcott, och Wenger tror att Premier League-lagen kommer dominera Champions League de kommande åren.

Hälften av lagen i kvartsfinalen kommer att vara engelska, ifall Liverpool håller i sin 2-0-ledning i Milano nästa vecka. Detta är ingen slump, menar Wenger, som tror att England kommer att fortsätta dominera klubbfotbollen framöver.
"I am convinced of that. It is down to the fact that the Premier League is so hard. Many good players now play in England but the pace of the game has stayed the same. So the physical demands are very hard and that's why we will find another English club in the Final this year.”
Han skickar samtidigt ut en varning om att det snabbt kan vända, ifall man tar fel beslut.
"It can change quickly if some other countries develop quicker," he said. "And the quality of your decisions can change quickly too. Fifteen years ago France was dominant a little bit, Italy was super-dominant, then France, then Spain, now England. It changes quickly.”
Premier Leagues topplag är oerhört starka, så enkelt är det. Samtliga av “the big four” har potential att vinna Champions League, och något liknande ser vi inte i varken Italien eller Spanien just nu.

Igår skadades Theo Walcott i en träningsmatch mot Colorado Rapids, Diaby skadades mot Milan och därmed fortsätter skadelistan att se mörk ut.
"From Tuesday night we lost Abou Diaby. He has got a problem on his other calf. Today we also lost Theo Walcott. He played against Colorado Rapids and he got a little thigh problem.”
Bättre nyheter gällande van Persie då, som spelade 60 min.
"Robin played an hour and he looks OK. But it looks early for him, he finished the game very tired today so I will have to analyse that. We have a little chance to get Kolo back in the squad and a little, little chance to get Song back."
Wenger tillägger också att Rosicky är 10-12 dagar bort. Vad är hans problem?

Liam Brady kommer bli Irlands nya assisterande mangager, bakom Trapattoni, men fortsätter sitt jobb som Head of Youth Development. Wenger kommenterar.
"I believe it is good news for Liam because he gets an eye on international football. He'll get good experience with Trapattoni who is a guy he knows well from Italy.”
Very well.

Det har gått rykten om att Eduardo inte blev väl behandlat på Birminghams sjukhus – och blev tvungen att operera sig igen i London – ett rykte som Wenger starkt dementerar.
"No, he did not need a second operation at all," said the Frenchman. "I don't know where that story came from but it is completely untrue.
"And we were completely happy with the support we got from Birmingham. That story is untrue as well. They were outstanding. Those rumours are completely false. All I can really do is deny it vigorously. It is just untrue."
Wenger säger också att Eduardo gör så gott han kan, och att rehabiliteringen går framåt.

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Oscar Broström2008-03-07 13:43:00

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