
Aaron Ramsey KLAR för ARSENAL

Cardiffs talangfulle mittfältare Aaron Ramsey är nu officiellt klar.

Så var det då officiellt att Aaron Ramsey är klar för Arsenal. Detta var egentligen ingen större hemlighet men så länge det inte offentliggörs på så känns det som att allt kan hända.

Ramsey kommenterar övergången och det svåra beslutet att lämna Cardiff: “I’m so happy to have signed for Arsenal. I am joining one of the biggest clubs in the world and can’t wait to meet my new team mates. I recently met with Arsène Wenger and he was a big factor in my decision to join Arsenal. He talked to me for a long time about the Club and the plans for the future, which really excites me. Arsenal is a Club which always gives young players an opportunity at the highest level of the game and I am going to work my hardest to be part of future successes here." 

“It was a really difficult decision to leave Cardiff City, they are my local club with great supporters and I would just like thank everyone at Cardiff City for their support and help in my early career. I will still look out for their results and there will always be a place in my heart for the Bluebirds.”

Arsene Wenger är självklart mycket nöjd med värvningen och jag är säker på att han myser lite extra efter att ha knäppt Alex Ferguson på näsan. Wenger säger: “We’re delighted to have signed Aaron Ramsey. He is a young player who has shown huge potential with his performances for both Cardiff City and Wales at under-17 and Under-21 levels. He is still only 17, but has already shown that he is a very intelligent and mature player with great quality. Although he mainly plays in midfield, Aaron is a versatile player and can also play across the defence. We are all looking forward to welcoming Aaron to the Club for our pre-season preparations.” 

Fakta om unge Ramsey på

London N5 passar på att välkomna Ramsey till klubben, önskar honom lycka till och hoppas att få se honom snart i försäsongsmatcherna! 

BBC rapporterade på förmiddagen att Aaron Ramsey nu gjort sitt val av de tre klubbar - Manchester Utd, Everton och Arsenal - som lagt ett bud på honom. Och valet skall alltså ha fallit på Arsenal, skriver BBC. Detta bekräftades lite senare av Cardiffs officiella hemsida som skriver:

"Cardiff City were informed on Tuesday morning that Aaron Ramsey's preferred destination this summer is at the Emirates Stadium with Arsenal.

We will now continue the dialogue with the Gunners with view to Aaron's move being completed. The move unlike other options however does not include a loan back period at Ninian Park for the 2008/09 season."

Cardiffs ordförande Peter Ridsdale kommenterar den stundande affären:

"We would have much preferred him to remain as a Cardiff City player or returned here on loan next season had he gone somewhere else. The only deal with a loan-back option was with Manchester United but ultimately it is up to the player to decide where he wants to go. In an ideal world I would have wished him to go to Manchester United were to he to leave us but we have to be careful as we have relationships with Arsenal and want to do business with them in the future."

Nu är man ju försiktig när det gäller att basunera ut att spelare är klara för Arsenal innan offentliggjort affären. Så vi avvaktar tålmodigt vidare uppdateringar i denna affär. Den som lever får se.

Patrik Nilsson2008-06-13 18:15:00

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