Wenger kommenterar matchen
Det var ingen munter fransman som tog emot pressen och interbjuades efter matchen. Som en sur Gewurztraminer ungefär, där man låtit vindruvorna jäsa på tok för länge. Som iakttagare av matchen, så finns det ett eller annat könsord man skulle ha velat ha hjälpt Wenger på traven med, men språket är skall vara vårdat. Men Fulham skall vi slå alla dagar. Så vad sade Wenger om 0-1 mot Hodgson? "It was the kind of game where you could not afford to make a mistake and we made a massive one. It was a game where if you get to half-time at 0-0 then you would win the game. That is the biggest regret I have."
Wenger tyckte dock att Fulham skapade bäst första halvleken"Fulham started the game better than us and were sharper in the first half. Although I don’t think they created too much if you look at the game as a whole." Så kom misstaget. På hörna. "They had a corner and they took advantage from it. That illustrates the first half. We were not sharp enough. We were not first enough on the ball. The corner showed that and we were punished. When you are focussed you can stop them scoring like that from the middle of the goal."
Wenger går vidare och menar att laget var nervöst sista 25 och försökte skapa chanser själv. Det saknades kvalitet i avslutningar och i passningsspelet. Det saknades fokus och Wenger har svårt att se varför. Men "You have to credit to Fulham as well."
Han bytte ut Walcott för att han behövde en bättre balans på mitten och ser framåt."The result is there and we have to cope with it. We have a big game on Wednesday night and we have to respond with a top class performance because was we did today was just not good enough "
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