Wenger efter Bolton-matchen
Dagen efter Bolton-matchen. Alla är nöjda, så även Arséne Wenger. Jag må ha varit kritisk i min blogg och vidhåller detta eftersom jag saknar flytet, det vackra spelet och det Arsenal gjort sig kända för de senaste åren. men som Henry Thoreau, den gamle filosofen sade "The life is not for complaint, but for satisfaction". Vår magistratiske och majestätiske tränare menade att det inte var lätt att bryta ned Bolton. De har två linjuer i back- och mittfältslinjen som kröp ihop väldigt djupt. Wenger menade också att"Maybe our passing was not incisive enough and not forward-orientated enough.They were very strong in the tackle and it is easier to play with only one focus - to defend well. It looked like it could be 0-0 because we never looked like conceding but we didn’t create many chances. Although in the last 20 minutes we had to finish in a good old-fashioned 4-2-4 to win the game.”
Nicklas Bendtner får en slev av skopan "You could say he didn’t have the best passing game today.." men också en del av den stora kakan "..but he could have scored two goals. That sums up what a striker is. It is so cold for the subs when you come on it is not easy. You sit there for an hour and you start to warm up until you come on. When you really get into the game, the game is over. When Nicklas came on there were 15 minutes left and he had no real time to warm up really.” Wenger tror att våren kan bli bra för "the grand danois". Bendtner har varit skadad i ankeln, men ser pigg ut igen.
Wenger spelar också bort Aston Villa och närheten. Han menar att det var viktigt att vinna. That's it. Fransmannen är nöjd med resultatet och att backlinjen stod bra. Sedan menar fransmannen att det är svårt att säga om nya spelare skulle ha förändrat bilden. Tre offensiva kreatörer är borta. Det påverkar.Och om värvningar "We look for them [new faces] and as soon as we find them we will tell you.”
Sedan har ibreren med nordvästra Englands mesigaste bockskägg talat illa om Arsénes numera bäste vän Sir Alex. Wenger ler i mjugg. “I must say it came as a big surprise because he is usually a quiet man. I wouldn’t like to comment further on that. I don’t know really what it was about basically. I don’t know what he [Ferguson] is doing, you don’t know, I don’t know, nobody knows in the country. I believe that it’s not down to me to do that. If Ferguson, Benitez or me do something wrong then you have people around the referees who make reports, I don’t want to intervene with that. It is important that we focus on the game. When we see something that isn’t normal, we tell it. I saw it at Aston Villa and I said that after the game. Apart from that I couldn’t see any deep problem for English football in there.”
Wenger som gillade dagens domare menade att detta utbrott från Benitez bara påverkar Liverpool.“It will certainly have an impact on their relationship but not on Ferguson.”
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