
Wenger efter matchen mot Cardiff

4-0 på Cardiff efter utspelning. "A fairytale come true", sade man på TVn. Ett tag höll Dudu på att göra balja nummer tre, men det fick räcka med två. Gillade Arsenal igår. Har varit lite mjugg, kritisk, bitvis mycket kritisk och besviken. Plötsligt infann sig spelglädjen. Det rullades boll så att det stod härliga till. Jag gillade springet i benen framför allt. Målchanserna. Tyckte Bendtner, trots sin målsump och viss egensinnighet, var lysande exempelvis. Gibbs imponerade på en vänsterbacksplats, där han dock inte hade mycket att göra och längst bak var det tokstängt. Fabianski hade inte mycket att göra, men tog Bothroyds långskott och höll det. Om han hade tappat det, så hade Cardiff nätat på returen. 

Wenger var naturligtvis nöjd. Framför allt med Eduardos spel och menade "I am not surprised he played well tonight. I didn’t play him as a reward for his excellent work; it was because in training over the past few weeks he has done extremely well. He made a big step forward two weeks ago when he found sharpness in front of goal and in his runs and he got rid of his apprehension in the tackles."

Wenger sade att 12 månader är en lång tid, men att ze kroazilian har varit mentalt stark. han har varit som ett helt berg. Som en sockertopp. Vidare "He is intelligent, talented and he understands what is happening quickly. He responds very quickly to every situation. That is why he is a striker. He is a quiet boy. He is very, very quiet – he is focussed but of course very happy tonight.

Så firade han med fysioterapeuten Tony Colbert lite extra. Wenger log "I think Tony Colbert has spent more time with Eduardo than with his wife. So perhaps he deserves that kind of hug. The physios and doctors have as well done a tremendous job with him. We use him when he is ready but they did a lot of work with him and have done a great job.”

Men Wenger vill inte haussa Eduardos betydelse; "We will know how important this was at the end of the season. I am very happy to have him back because he gives us options. He can play on flank, he can play central, he can play on the shoulder or upfront on his own. It is fantastic for us.I still have to be cautious with him and I cannot throw him in every three days after nine months. We will see how he responds to that hamstring and maybe he can be with us on Saturday, I don’t know.”

Fransmannen tyckte laget gjorde en härlig match och det var kul att se laget spela " dynamic, convincing and mobile. We played the kind of football we love to play and it is good to see us play with handbrake off. We are now consistent, we are stable defensively, and we added tonight our drive going forward."

Fransmannen tyckte cardiff gjorde en bra match, men att det var svårt för dem i passningstempot. "Det är lättare att spela vår fotboll på Emirates". Han ser löjust på Cardiffs chanser i Championship. "We have played Burnley and Cardiff and I would say they are sides who have a chance to come up, a really good chance. If you look at the table Cardiff are 12 points behind the leaders with a few games in hand. They have a good chance but I think for them it is better to go out of the FA Cup.”

Så avslutar vi med Wengers prioriteringar för året: FA Cup eller ligan? " We are very consistent and we are on a very strong run. We missed the goals recently but I believe we are on a very strong run. We promised ourselves we would give everything until the last day of the season. At the moment Man United look untouchable – they are 12 points ahead with a game against Fulham which they will certainly win. Their results are really consistent, they win 1-0. You always think during the game that they may drop points but they always manage to find the resources to win the game.

“If they win the game in hand they are 15 points in front. That means we need to lose five. Say they lose one against us, that is four. They still need to lose another four but they haven’t done that yet. Our basic target is to get in the Champions League which means the league is our priority"


Magnus Falk2009-02-17 12:27:00

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