Dagens Arsenal - 24 April 2009
Arsenals lagkapten riskerar avstängning!

Dagens Arsenal - 24 April 2009


Både Arsenals lagkapten, Cesc Fabregas och Hulls manager Phil Brown har fällts av FA för Improper conduct efter Arsenals Fa-cup match mot Hull. Cesc Fabregas har nekat till alla anklagelser från Hull-lägret men efter att FA tagit del av det ”bevis” Hull presenterat så riskerar nu spanjoren avstängning: "Arsenal midfielder Cesc Fabregas and Hull City manager Phil Brown have both been charged with improper conduct. Fabregas faces two charges of improper conduct relating to his conduct on the pitch following the game. One charge concerns his behaviour in coming onto the pitch after the final whistle, the second charge relates to an alleged spitting incident. The charges are based on submissions from Hull City and video evidence." 

Frågan ställdes till Arsène Wenger om klubben kommer att överklaga domen på dagens presskonferens: "I always said we are always very open to co-operate with any investigation. I personally looked at the reports, at the video evidence and there is nothing in there against Cesc. I don't know if we will appeal - I will see what we can do about that. At the start, I am not a great fan of appealing because I said we are very open to co-operate and now I don't think we should stop that. I am very positive that there was enough evidence in what I have seen that the case should have been dropped." 


Tomas Rosickys agent, Pavel Paska, bekräftar nu att tjecken inte kommer spela för Arsenal denna säsong. Rosicky återhämtar sig fortfarande från sina skador och ska med lite tur kanske bli spelklar till början av nästa säsong: "The situation is that Tomas would be able to start in the last two fixtures if the intensity of training sessions was enormous, and it is not necessary to take this risk. This is the last delay. Everything is heading in a way for Tomas to be prepared properly for the next season.” 

Lagkapten Cesc Fabregas kräver högre koncentration i försvarsspelet från sina lagkamrater efter den galna matchen på Anfield där Arsenal släppte in hela fyra mål, något som måste förbättras inför det viktiga mötet med Manchester United i Champions League: "We have seen the best things we can do, but there are a lot of things we can improve on. We played in front of great players and great fans and the team has to be proud of what we achieved, but still we go home with the feeling we should have done more. We gave the goals away too easily and after all we did to create four opportunities to score four goals - it is difficult to take." 

Nicklas Bendtner hävdar att han har sina bästa år framför sig och att Arsenalfansen kan räkna med mycket mer i framtiden från dansken: "People have not seen everything yet - there is a lot more to come and when people realise that, things will become even better. I feel more part of the starting XI this season than last and I feel I have improved all over my game.” Avslutningsvis kan man inte göra annat än att beundra självförtroendet: "I have never questioned myself and I never will. I know what I can do and what I can become, and my only focus is on that. There is no need to question that when I know what can happen." 


Och så en skadeuppdatering inför helgens match mot Middlesbrough. Wenger bekräftar att laget kommer roteras en aning och att en del spelare kan tänkas göra comeback: "Manuel Almunia was in full training today Thursday and we will see how he responds. Djourou was in full training also so we will see how he is too. Both could come back into the squad. It is not enough training to say for sure yet, we need 48 hours more. Emmanuel Adebayor should come back into training on Saturday. He could be in the squad.” 
Tråkigare nyheter kring Robin van Persie och se ger Wenger en uppdatering på Gaël Clichys skada: "Robin van Persie is definitely out for Sunday and for Manchester United. Gael Clichy could be back for the second Manchester United game (on 5th May). He has a scan on Monday. We'll go from there. He has a chance to be back in full training next week." Sedan tidigare är Tomas Rosicky borta för säsongen. 


Tack för visat intresse!

Robin Henningson2009-04-24 20:50:00

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