Dagens Arsenal - 28 April 2009
Arsène Wenger hävdar att Arsenal kommer åka till Old Trafford för att göra mål och vinna – inte spela på ett oavgjort resultat: "The first target was to win the game, and that is the best preparation. If you go to Old Trafford without belief, you make it very difficult at the start for you. We will go there with belief and to enjoy it, and also will be faithful to the game we play and will go there like we do everywhere in Europe to try to score and win the game. If we play at our best, we have a good chance and can do it."
Arsenal är verkligen inte rädda för att möta Manchester United. Det berättar nu Kolo Touré inför den viktiga semifinalen i Champions League. Arsenal möter United för andra gången denna säsong och senast stod Samir Nasri för stor show med två mål. Kommer bedriften på Emirates replikeras?: "For me I am not scared of any team. I know what I have to do when I play. There is more pressure on United because they are the team to beat. United are the ones who won it last season, but for us we are going there to do the best we can playing free and passing the ball. We know when we play football against Manchester United, they struggle a lot." Touré passar också på att beröma unge Kieran Gibbs som fått vikariera för Gaël Clichy på vänsterbackplatsen: “Kieran came in at a really difficult time when we play the big teams and he has showed good character. He is intelligent and I think he is going to perform very well on Wednesday. But it is not only about Gibbs - it is about all the players. If we are focused and defend together, then nobody can beat us."
Även Abou Diaby är optimistisk inför den svåra matchen som väntar. Mittfältaren tror Arsenal kommer utnyttja de svagheter som Manchester-laget visat i de senaste matcherna och att Arsenals form kan ge laget en liten fördel: "The first thing to say is that United are a great team. Whatever their form is like, they are still packed with great players who can make the difference at any time. However, they are not in their best form - maybe it's an opportunity for us to make the most of it and profit from it. That's not the main thing, though. We will concentrate on our game knowing that if we play we have a good chance. We have the quality here to win the Champions League, so we will give it everything."
Mer positivt - Gaël Clichy hyllar den effekt Andrei Arshavin har haft på laget. Ryssen som anslöt till The Gunners under januari-fönstret har gett Arsenal en rejäl boost i det offensiva spelet: "Andrey is a phenomenon, who never doubts. In less than two months he has already learnt English, dares to say what he thinks to everyone and can make the difference at any moment on the pitch."
Mikael Silvestre känner sig ung igen i Arsenal och är redo för de kommande matcherna som kommer vara enormt viktiga för säsongens avslutning: "At United, the squad is built in little stages but always around their pillars, Paul Scholes, Ryan Giggs and Gary Neville. They are the club's identity, their points of reference on the pitch and in the changing room. At Arsenal, it functions more by generations. There has been that of Patrick Vieira, Robert Pires and Thierry Henry. Now it is that of Cesc Fabregas, Theo Walcott, Alex Song and Aaron Ramsey. We give responsibility to these youngsters very early and we let them grow together. At Arsenal, youth isn't just an excuse. In the changing room, it is simple - to my left is Jack Wilshere, who is 16, and to my right is Ramsey, who is 18. We talk about things like the latest video games. It's good - I feel young again."
Vad i?! Håller Adebayor återigen på att flörta med Ac Milan? Togolesen i ett uttalande: "I am happy playing for this club and to be honest I am happy AC Milan, one of the legendary clubs in the world, were looking at me. For me that must be something special. It is like a boy being told Beyonce is looking for them. They told me Milan were looking for me. I am quite happy with that but the most important thing is playing for Arsenal. I am very happy here so there is no reason for me moving." Skönt då blev vi av med det ryktet (för stunden).
Arsenal ska tydligen vara väldigt nära att värva 15-åriga Cheltenham Town’s Jamie Edge. Tydligen ska även Manchester United vara intresserade av Jamie, men Arsenal ska ha första ”Tjing”. Cheltenhams manager, Ken Oram "Clubs have got wind of him and he is likely to be in advance of players the same age at these Premier League clubs. Both Manchester United and Arsenal did their homework on him and then looked after him when he went for trials. Physically he is big for his age but is also quite advanced in his development and several clubs have already shown a firm interest in him.
Återigen är det svårt att syna skadesituationen. Johan Djourou kommer alldra troligast spela från start medan Mikael Silvestre endast ges en 50-50 chans att kunna delta. Gladare nyheter är att både Emmanuel Adebayor och Manuel Almunia är skadefria och kan spela. Robin van Persie har en liten chans att hinna återhämta sig till matchen mot Portsmouth i helgen medan Gaël Clichy har en liten möjlighet att hinna tillbaka till returmötet mellan Arsenal och Manchester United på The Emirates.
Sedan tidigare är Tomas Rosicky och William Gallas borta resten av säsongen.
Tack för visat intresse!