Wenger efter matchen mot Chelsea
Jag suckar och tänker "Sooo very Arsenal". Att ha tredjeplatsen på gång, ramla ihop och förlora med 4-1, bränna en miljard med chanser och sedan se Chelsea på ett gammalt Joe Cole-manåer fippla in bollar via stolpar ochribbar. Joe Cole har aldrig gjort ett mål, som antingen tagit en motståndarback eller stolpen och in. 4-1 var ett rån mina damer och herrar och Phil Dowd kör omkring i en Ferrai med egen rysk olja. I betcha.
Vad säger vår franske despot? Vad tyckte han egentligen om förlusten?"It’s very difficult. You can be very positive or very negative. We lost the game 4-1 which is a major disappointment but I feel going forward we had a very interesting game and created plenty of chances. That is never a 4-1 game, we should have been 2-0 up before they had a shot on goal."
Sedan "On the first free-kick we made a mistake and they scored. Today we missed seven or eight clear-cut chances and on every single mistake we made we were punished.” Man måste dock fråga sig varför vi gör det? Om vi skulle haft en iller eller killer i straffområdet så hade det kanske lönat sig?
Gunners har släppt in 11 mål på tre matcher. Är försvaret extra skakigt? Personligen så saknar jag ett rejält fyrtorn, ett äckligt litet svin som typ Willie Young som biter motståndare, äter sig in på axlarna på dem. Men Wenger menar"We conceded four at Liverpool, three against Man United and four today. We have to improve the way we defend. You wouldn’t like to come out when you lose 4-1and say ‘listen, we are going to buy four defenders’. I believe we have quality defenders and it’s more a case of balancing the team defensively than the quality of our defenders. If you look at the second goal we could have done much better in midfield than at the back.”
Nu har vi ingen chans att komma trea. Men Wenger är inte så besviken.För några månader sedan, så var laget ljusår därifrån och laget har hämtat upp sig bra. Viktigt är"very disappointing for us is in the games that mattered in the last three or four weeks we couldn’t win. That’s where we have to analyse. But today there were a lot of positives in the game and we have to take a little distance from the defeat because it’s not a 4-1 game today.”
Sedan hugger vi på den filmande Drogba."We live in a League now where the divers are rewarded. It’s not right but it is like that. I don’t think the free-kick should have been given but it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t win the header afterwards. I believe we must live in our job where the referee makes some decisions for you and some against. But defending consequently you should clear the ball on the cross.”
Så håller vi nu andan och lyssnar. Transferplaner? "At the moment I don’t know what funds will be available. I will be told by the Club. I don’t think the squad needs major investment. I believe we need to continue to improve. I’m not as doom-and-gloom as everybody wants to make it after a defeat and of course we play in a strong league against top quality opponents. Some teams who have come up are chasing us from the back as well. We need to improve in the areas that are right – that doesn’t mean quantity, not even quantity of money, it’s just the right type of players.”
Det var en omskrivning för "it is a young squad and we are developing". Ett av mina favorita kräksmeningar. Tyvärr. Och nu kom det igen. Jag ursäktar mig....."braaaaagwllll".............
Åter på banan igen.
Laget missade en del chanser, men Wenger säger att "man kan vara orolig, men jag var mera orolig i januari, när vi inte skapade en enda chans. "pch förtsätter " I feel we created the chances and had an interesting game. When you see that in a team it’s always easier to correct what doesn’t work defensively; if you don’t create chances you are always more worried.”
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