
Wenger efter matchen mot Celtic

2-0 mot Celtic. Väntat resultat naturligtvis och vi kasserar snart in biljetten till nästa omgång av Champions League. Det var en tuff match på många sätt med hårda tacklingar, "You'll never walk alone" från läktaren och grön-vita skottar som gjorde allt de kunde för att stoppa Gunners. det gick naturligtvis inte. Men det var en hård match och Wenger håller med "I think it was a fierce battle. I felt collectively we dominated the game but Celtic were always willing, fighting and counter-attacking. In the end, despite being in control, we scored two lucky goals. It was a big fight tonight and we needed a strong Arsenal side to win the game. The crowd and players were absolutely up for it and I believe with an average performance we would not have won the game today.” 

Samtidigt spelar han inte upp 2-0. "Vi spelar 180 minuter. Vi leder efter 90" Wenger menar att laget måste vinna hemma. Vi går för seger menar han. " Even with an advantage of two goals we want to finish the job at home.” Wenger säger också att Gunners tvingade Celtic till misstag, men att de hade goda möjligheter i andra halvleken, men missade en passning eller två. "I give credit to my team, even at 1-0 we didn’t drop off and we kept playing very high up and put them under pressure. That was a very positive attitude.” 

Men vad tycker Wenger om atmosfären på Parkhead. Jo;"I felt, from my impression, that the atmosphere was outstanding. It’s even better than in the Premier League. People were fair and Celtic, for me, were well organised and I couldn’t see them ever give up, even at 2-0. It was always difficult for us to get the game going. Sometimes they made the foul they needed to make but overall I was impressed by their attitude.” 

..å Aiden McGeady?"He had a very good game. They surprised us a little bit at the start with Samaras and McGeady both through the middle. They played a lot of long balls but I believe we managed to deal well with that. what was very good on Celtic’s side was their defence played very well. He can certainly [play at the top clubs in England] yes. I believe it’s important to keep your good players here. Why do you always want them to go down to the south?”  

Wenger tycker att laget, som var det första engelska laget på 26 år att slå Celtic i Skottland hade en fantastisk attityd."I believe we have a fantastic attitude, a great togetherness and we put relentless pressure on Celtic. We never let them establish a flow and we always disturbed their game very well.” 

Avslutningsvis tycker Wenger att spelet kunde ha stävjats tidigare av domareb; då det var några tacklingar; men"The referee took some time to intervene but afterwards he did it. We got sometimes some harsh treatment today. I’m very happy with the commitment of my team despite the physical approach of some Celtic players. I can understand that from Celtic’s point of view but what is more interesting for me is how we respond to that. I believe we did that well.”


Magnus Falk2009-08-19 17:55:00

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